Python implementation of 'ls'.
List information about the FILEs (the current directory by default).
pyls is a Python implementation of 'ls'. It can be used to list information about the PATHs (the current directory by default).
pyls uses a tree structure - directories being the nodes (unless it is an empty directory) and files being the leaf nodes - in the backend to represent the filesystem, making it flexible and easy to use.
pyls has no dependencies other than Python 3.12 or higher.
Furthermore, pyls has a time-complexity of O(1) to fetch information from the immediate children of a node, and O(n) to fetch information from the entire tree. For very large and complex filesystem trees, the time-complexity could further be improved using a breadth-first or depth-first search (not yet implemented).
pyls can be installed on any system with python 3.12 or higher.
git clone
pip install .
git clone
pip install pytest
After the installation, pyls could be used just like ls.
The following options are currently available.
usage: pyls [OPTION]... [PATH]...
pyls -l -r -t -h --filter=[dir, file] <path> --help
positional arguments:
path path to list
-A do not ignore entries starting with .
-l use a long listing format
-r reverse order while sorting
-t sort by time, newest first
-h with -l, print sizes like 1K 234M 2G etc.
--filter [{dir,file}] filter results by type: 'dir' or 'file'
--help Show this help message and exit