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API: base classes attribute and module

lneuhaus edited this page Jul 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Two concepts are central to almost any object in the API: Attributes and Modules.

Attributes are essentially variables which are automatically synchronized between a number of devices, i.e. the value of an FPGA register, a config file to store the last setting on the harddisk, and possibly a graphical user interface.

Modules are essentially collections of attributes that provide additional functions to usefully govern the interaction of the available attributes.

It is recommended to read the definition of these two classes, but we summarize the way they are used in practice by listing the important methods:

Module (see BaseModule in

A module is a component of pyrpl doing a specific task, such as e.g. Scope/Lockbox/NetworkAnalyzer. The module can have a widget to interact with it graphically.

It is composed of attributes (see whose values represent the current state of the module (more precisely, the state is defined by the value of all attributes in _setup_attributes)

The module can be slaved or freed by a user or another module. When the module is freed, it goes back to the state immediately before being slaved. To make sure the module is freed, use the syntax:

with pyrpl.mod_mag.pop('owner') as mod: mod.do_something()

public methods

  • get_setup_attributes(): returns a dict with the current values of the setup attributes
  • set_setup_attributes(**kwds): sets the provided setup_attributes (setup is not called)
  • save_state(name): saves the current "state" (using get_setup_attribute) into the config file
  • load_state(name): loads the state 'name' from the config file (setup is not called by default)
  • create_widget(): returns a widget according to widget_class
  • setup(**kwds): first, performs set_setup_attributes(**kwds), then calls _setup() to set the module ready for acquisition. This method is automatically created by ModuleMetaClass and it combines the docstring of individual setup_attributes with the docstring of _setup()
  • free: sets the module owner to None, and brings the module back the state before it was slaved equivalent to module.owner = None)

Public attributes:

  • name: attributed based on _section_name at instance creation (also used as a section key in the config file)
  • states: the list of states available in the config file
  • owner: (string) a module can be owned (reserved) by a user or another module. The module is free if and only if owner is None
  • pyrpl: recursively looks through parent modules until it reaches the pyrpl instance

class attributes to be implemented in derived class:

  • individual attributes (instances of BaseAttribute)
  • _setup_attributes: attribute names that are touched by setup(**kwds)/ saved/restored upon module creation
  • _gui_attributes: attribute names to be displayed by the widget
  • _callback_attributes: attribute_names that triggers a callback when their value is changed in the base class, _callback just calls setup()
  • _widget_class: class of the widget to use to represent the module in the gui(a child of ModuleWidget)
  • _section_name: the name under which all instances of the class should be stored in the config file

methods to implement in derived class:

  • _init_module(): initializes the module at startup. During this initialization, attributes can be initialized without overwriting config file values. Practical to use instead of init to avoid calling super().init()

  • _setup(): sets the module ready for acquisition/output with the current attribute's values. The metaclass of the module autogenerates a function like this: def setup(self, **kwds): *** docstring of function _setup *** *** for attribute in self.setup_attributes: print-attribute-docstring-here ****

     return self._setup()
  • _ownership_changed(old, new): this function is called when the module owner changes it can be used to stop the acquisition for instance.


The parameters of the modules are controlled by descriptors deriving from BaseAttribute.

An attribute is a field that can be set or get by several means:

  • programmatically: module.attribute = value

  • graphically: attribute.create_widget(module) returns a widget to manipulate the value

  • via loading the value in a config file for permanent value preservation

Attributes have a type (BoolAttribute, FloatAttribute...), and they are actually separated in two categories:

  • Registers: the attributes that are stored in the FPGA itself

  • Properties: the attributes that are only stored in the computer and that are not representing an FPGA register

A common mistake is to use the Attribute class instead of the corresponding Register or Property class (FloatAttribute instead of FloatRegister or FloatProperty for instance): this class is abstract since it doesn't define a set_value/get_value method to specify how the data is stored in practice.