A breakdown of this Blockchain structure's main components:
Blockchain Class:
- Manages the chain of blocks and transactions.
- Includes methods for registering nodes, adding transactions, mining blocks, validating transactions and proofs, computing balances, etc.
- Uses SHA-256 hashing for block and transaction integrity.
Block Class:
- Represents each block in the blockchain with an index, list of transactions, timestamp, previous block's hash, nonce, and its own hash.
Wallet Class:
- Handles wallet functionalities such as generating private/public key pairs, serializing public keys, and signing transactions.
Main Function:
- Demonstrates the blockchain in action by creating a blockchain instance, wallet instances for a sender and a miner, mining blocks, and performing transactions.
Proof of Work (PoW):
- Implements PoW for block mining, where miners must find a nonce that, when combined with block data, results in a hash with a specified number of leading zeros (difficulty).