CATE estimation and integration with EconML
This release includes many major updates:
- (BREAKING CHANGE) The CausalModel import is now simpler: "from dowhy import CausalModel"
- Multivariate treatments are now supported.
- Conditional Average Treatment Effects (CATE) can be estimated for any subset of the data. Includes integration with EconML--any method from EconML can be called using DoWhy through the estimate_effect method (see example notebook).
- Other than CATE, specific target estimands like ATT and ATC are also supported for many of the estimation methods.
- For reproducibility, you can specify a random seed for all refutation methods.
- Multiple bug fixes and updates to the documentation.
Includes contributions from @j-chou, @ktmud, @jrfiedler, @shounak112358, @Lnk2past. Thank you all!