PWR Go is a Go library for interacting with the PWR network. It provides an easy interface for wallet management and sending transactions on PWR.
Play with Code Examples 🎮
Import the library:
import (
Set your RPC node:
rpc.SetRpcNodeUrl("") // optional
Import wallet by PK:
var privateKeyHex = "0xac0974bec...f80"
var wallet = wallet.FromPrivateKey(privateKeyHex)
Get wallet address:
var address = wallet.GetAddress()
Get wallet balance:
var balance = wallet.GetBalance()
Transfer PWR tokens:
var transferTx = wallet.TransferPWR("recipientAddress", 1000)
Sending a transcation to the PWR Chain returns a Response object, which specified if the transaction was a success, and returns relevant data. If the transaction was a success, you can retrieive the transaction hash, if it failed, you can fetch the error.
package main
import (
func main() {
var privateKeyHex = "0xac0974bec...f80"
var wallet = wallet.FromPrivateKey(privateKeyHex)
var transferTx = wallet.TransferPWR("recipientAddress", 1000)
if transferTx.Success {
fmt.Printf("Transfer tx hash: %s\n", transferTx.TxHash)
} else {
fmt.Println("Error sending Transfer tx:", transferTx.Error)
Send data to a VM:
package main
import (
func main() {
var privateKeyHex = "0xac0974bec...f80"
var wallet = wallet.FromPrivateKey(privateKeyHex)
var data = []byte("Hello world")
var vmTxResponses = wallet.SendVMData(123, data)
if vmTxResponses.Success {
fmt.Printf("Sending tx hash: %s\n", vmTxResponses.TxHash)
} else {
fmt.Println("Error sending VM data tx:", vmTxResponses.Error)
Get RPC Node Url:
Returns currently set RPC node URL.
var url = rpc.GetRpcNodeUrl()
**Get Fee Per Byte: **
Gets the latest fee-per-byte rate.
var fee = rpc.GetFeeBerByte()
Get Balance Of Address:
Gets the balance of a specific address.
var balance = rpc.GetBalanceOfAddress("0x...")
Get Nonce Of Address:
Gets the nonce/transaction count of a specific address.
var nonce = rpc.GetNonceOfAddress("0x...")
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Copyright (c) 2024 PWR Labs
Licensed under the MIT license.