A Neovim plugin for spark.
Making it even better and easier by initializing projects inside Neovim.
Make sure you have spark installed on your machine.
Using lazy.nvim
{ "pwnxpl0it/spark.nvim",
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim" },
using packer.nvim
use {"pwnxpl0it/spark.nvim",
Then run :
now you should be able to run :Spark
See :help spark
Right now spark.nvim only takes the theme of Telescope picker, more information can be found here Example:
--default telescope theme
theme = require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown {} -- https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim#themes
To use spark.nvim you can run :Spark
in neovim,to create a key binding
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>i",":Spark<CR>")