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Drupal 8 upgrade notes

carolyncole edited this page Feb 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

Create Lando Drupal 8 site for conversion

  1. mkdir byzantine8
  2. cd byzantine8
  3. lando init --source remote --remote-url --remote-options="--strip-components 1" --recipe drupal8 --webroot . --name byzantine8
  4. lando start
  5. lando composer require "drush/drush:^9.7.1"
  6. update sites.php to have the database info vi sites/default/settings.php
    $databases = array (
      'default' =>
      array (
        'default' =>
        array (
          'database' => 'drupal8',
          'username' => 'drupal8',
          'password' => 'drupal8',
          'host' => 'database',
          'port' => '3306',
          'driver' => 'mysql',
          'prefix' => '',
  7. create minimal site for import
     lando drush --yes site-install minimal --site-name='byzantine 8' --site-mail='[email protected]' --account-name='admin' --account-mail='[email protected]' --account-pass='admin'
  8. Update lando config to have the legacy database vi .lando.yml
    name: byzantine8
    recipe: drupal8
        type: mysql
      webroot: .
  9. rebuild machine
    lando destroy
    lando start
  10. load the legacy database into the machine
    lando db-import --host legacy dump.sql
  11. install the migration package into composer
    chmod +w sites/default
    chmod +w sites/default/*
    lando composer require "drupal/migrate_plus"
    lando composer require "drupal/migrate_tools"
    lando drush --yes en migrate_plus migrate_tools migrate_upgrade