This Latex poster uses the baposter class, originally from Versions are found in several places. The files on which this version is based are from circulation within WASP and exact origins are not known.
To update the poster, modify the contents in the parts/ folder. The file header.tex contains convenience commands such as \title, \companylogo etc. Other files contain pure formatting. The logo images are in the folder template-images/. Place poster specific graphics in content-images/. Use \vspace{} to fill in where necessary and the tcolorbox package to create fancy boxes.
As for the beamer template maintained by creichen ( the template depends on the MinionPro and MyriadPro fonts. One guide to installing these fonts is found here: You can also remove the use of MinionPro and MyriadPro (look under FONTS AND COLORS in wasp-poster.tex) and fall back to regular fonts but this will not adhere to the WASP style guide.
The following standard WASP colors are defined:
- waspgrey
- waspblue
- wasppink
And the following colors are also defined for the poster template:
- wasp_text
- wasp_banner_light
- wasp_banner_dark