A framework designed to facilitate the management and initialization of visible components. It provides a foundation for creating modular components with event handling capabilities.
🚧 This package is not stable and might change at any time 🚧
- Modular application structure.
- Centralized module management system to easily initialize, update, and destroy modules within specified contexts.
- Encourages code reusability and extensibility.
- Set module-scoped events.
- Select module-scoped DOM elements.
- Efficient module destruction that automatically removes events.
yarn add @psc-44/module-js
import {App} from "@psc-44/module-js";
import {MyModule} from "./modules/MyModule.js";
const app = new App({
modules: [
<div data-module-my-module data-my-module-say="Hello world">
<button data-my-module="button">
Click here
import { Module } from "@psc-44/module-js";
export class MyModule extends Module {
constructor(options) {
init() {
this.addEventListener("button", "click", () => {
console.log(this.getData("say")); // Output: "Hello world"
Set these option in your module sub class.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
this.autoQueryElements |
boolean |
false |
Query all module-scoped elements on init() |
this.autoBind |
boolean |
true |
Bind this to all module methods on init() |
this.el |
HTMLElement |
The modules root element. This is set automatically when the module is created. | |
this.$elements |
object |
null |
Object of html elements bound by the modules data attributes. This is set automatically on init() when the this.autoQueryElements is set to true . |
Method | Description | Example |
this.init() |
Automatically called on app init. Override this method in subclasses instead of using the constructor . |
this.init() |
this.destroy() |
Automatically called on app destroy. Override this method if you need to destroy anything specific. The events bound by the EventEmitter , this.addEventListener() or this.addFilteredEventListener() are automatically destroyed by the Module class. |
this.destroy() |
this.addEventListener(targets, type, listener[, options]) |
Adds an event listener to one or more DOM elements.targets can be one or more DOM elements, module scoped selector (as shown in the previous example with the say hello button) or a CSS selector. Note that selectors such as "input" or "button" are considered module-scoped selectors. |
this.addEventListener("button", "click", (event) => console.log("onClickButton", event)) |
this.addFilteredEventListener(targets, type, listener, selector[, options]) |
Adds a filtered event listener to one or more DOM elements. See the note on targets and selector in this.addEventListener . |
this.addFilteredEventListener(this.el, "click", (event) => console.log("onClickPost", event), "postAnchor") |
this.removeEventListener(targets, type[, options]) |
Removes an event listener to one or more DOM elements. See the note on targets in this.addEventListener . Note that all events bound by the modules container or EventEmitter functions are removed automatically on this.destroy . |
this.removeEventListener("button", "click") |
this.dispatchDomEvent(type[, detail]) |
Dispatches a custom DOM event from the current element with the specified type and optional details. The module is automatically set in the detail object. | this.dispatchDomEvent("updated", { value: 3 }) |
this.$(selector[, context, useModuleSelector]) |
Finds the first element matching the selector within the module's or specified context. You can also use basic CSS selectors like . , # , or [] . Note that selectors such as "input" or "button" are considered module-scoped selectors unless you set useModuleSelector to false . |
this.$("button") |
this.$all("selector"[, context, useModuleSelector]) |
Finds all elements matching the selector within the module's or specified context. See the note on selector in this.$ . |
this.$all("item") |
this.$parent("selector"[, context, useModuleSelector]) |
Finds the first parent element matching the selector within the module's or specified context. See the note on selector in this.$ . |
this.$parent("wrapper") |
this.getData(name[, context]) |
Retrieves data attribute value from the module's or context element. | this.getData("repeat-animation") |
this.setData(name, value[, context]) |
Sets the data attribute value on the module's or context element. | this.setData("count", "5") |
static getModuleSelector() |
Returns the CSS selector of the module's data attribute. | MyModule.getModuleSelector() |
static create(element[, recreate = false]) |
Creates a new instance of the module with the provided options. If an instance already exists for the element, it returns the existing instance unless recreate is true. |
MyModule.create(element) |
static findModuleInTree(element) |
Finds and returns the module associated with the given HTML element within the module tree. | MyModule.findModuleInTree(element) |
You can call these functions from everywhere using the static instance
property on the App
Method | Description | Example |
this.init([context]) |
Initialize modules within a specified context or the entire document. | this.init() or App.instance.init() |
this.destroy([context]) |
Destroy modules within a specified context or the entire document. | this.destroy() |
this.update([context]) |
Update modules within a specified context or the entire document. | this.update() |
<dialog class="data-module-dialog">
<h2 data-dialog="label">
<button data-dialog="accept">
<button data-dialog="decline">
import { Module } from "@psc-44/module-js";
export class Dialog extends Module {
constructor(options) {
init() {
this.addEventListener("accept", "click", this.accept);
this.addEventListener("decline", "click", this.close);
open() {
accept() {
this.$("label").textContent = "Thank you!";
this.$("accept").style.display = "none";
this.$("decline").textContent = "Close";
close() {
<div data-module-accordion data-accordion-open="true">
<section data-accordion="section">
<header data-accordion="header">
<div data-accordion="main">
<section data-accordion="section">
<header data-accordion="header">
<div data-accordion="main">
import { Module } from "@psc-44/module-js";
export class Accordion extends Module {
constructor(options) {
init() {
this.addEventListener("header", "click", this.toggleSection);
if (this.getData("open")) {
toggleSection(event) {
const target = event.currentTarget;
const section = this.$parent("section", target);
if (section.classList.contains("is-open")) {
} else {
Scroll.instance.scrollTo(this.el); // Add your scroll to logic here
<div data-module-accordion-group>
<section data-module-accordion class="is-open">
<header data-accordion="header">
<div data-accordion="main">
<section data-module-accordion>
<header data-accordion="header">
<div data-accordion="main">
import { Module } from "@psc-44/module-js";
export class Accordion extends Module {
constructor(options) {
init() {
this.addEventListener(this.el, "click", this.toggle);
open() {
close() {
isOpen() {
return this.el.classList.contains("is-open");
toggle() {
if (this.isOpen()) {
import { Module } from "@psc-44/module-js";
export class AccordionGroup extends Module {
constructor(options) {
init() {
this.$items = this.$all(Accordion.getModuleSelector());
this.accordions = this.$items.map(($item) => {
const instance = Accorion.create($item);
this.addEventListener(instance.el, "open", this.onAccordionOpen);
return instance;
destroy() {
this.accordions.forEach((accordion) => accordion.destroy());
onAccordionOpen(event) {
this.accordions.forEach((accordion) => {
if (accordion === event.detail.module) return;
Since modules are identified by the class name, problems may arise with long names or when using minification tools that alter class names. To address this issue, a static property name
can be set in classes that extend from the Module
class. Note that this name should be specified in either kebab-case or PascalCase.
Here are a few examples:
// Long name
class ExampleModuleWithARaellyLongFuckingNameThatNoOneWillEverHave extends Module {
static name = "Example"; // Elements with "data-module-example" are associated with this class.
class CookieConsentDialog extends Module {
static name = "cc-dialog"; // Elements with "data-module-cc-dialog" are associated with this class.
// Minify
class YourModule extends Module {
static name = "YourModule"; // Elements with "data-module-your-module" are associated with this class.
class YourModule extends Module {
static name = "your-module"; // Elements with "data-module-your-module" are associated with this class.
This code is inspired by modularJS.