safe and simple handling of passwords, tokens, etc
pnpm add @propero/security
npm i @propero/secutiry
yarn add @propero/security
Please use argon2 if possible, as at the time of writing this (21/04/2023), it is the most secure supported adapter.
- argon2
- scrypt
- bcrypt
- pbkdf2
import { Password } from "@propero/security"
import { argon2 } from "@propero/security/password/adapter/argon2";
import { scrypt } from "@propero/security/password/adapter/scrypt";
import { bcrypt2 } from "@propero/security/password/adapter/bcrypt";
import { pbkdf2 } from "@propero/security/password/adapter/pbkdf2";
// register various adapters
// create new hash and salt
// this will use the highest priority adapter, in this case scrypt
const password = await Password.hash("foo");
// serialise to string
const text = password.toString();
// parse password strings
const parset = new Password(text);
// verify passwords
await password.verify("foo") // true
await password.verify("bar") // false
await parsed.verify("foo") // true
// add adapters at any point
// upgrade passwords in place
const before = password.hash;
await password.verifyAndUpgrade("foo"); // true
password.hash === before // false, now uses argon2
// usage with typeorm
export class User {
uuid!: string;
username!: string;
// ... user fields
@Column("varchar", {
transformer: {
to: (password) => password.toString(),
from: (hash) => new Password(hash),
password!: Password;
Any object matching the PasswordHashAdapter
is a valid adapter.
import { Password, PasswordHashAdapter } from "@propero/security";
function plainText(): PasswordHashAdapter {
return {
priority: -1, // higher numbers are preferred, 0 is pbkdf2, 40 is argon2
initialise: async () => {
// this is run once before the first hash is created or verified
// it can be omitted
console.log("don't ever use plain text!!!");
hashAndSalt: async (password: string) => "$plain$" + password,
hashMatchesStrategy: (hash: string) => hash.startsWith("$plain$"),
verify: async (password: string, hash: string) => hash.slice(7) === password,
hashNeedsUpgrade: async (hash: string) => false,