npm i @propero/action-history
yarn add @propero/action-history
pnpm i @propero/action-history
In progress... maybe... hopefully... within the next decade or so... no guarantees though!
import { createHistory, HistoryMeta } from "@propero/action-history";
// interface for type safety inside handlers, calls, etc.
// can later be augmented for extensibility
interface Events extends HistoryMeta {
"myapp:myaction": {
parameters: { param?: number },
context: { context: number },
"myapp:otheraction": {
reversible: false,
"myapp:lateaction": {
context: { latecontext: number },
const history = createHistory<Events>();
history.context({ context: 2 });
let myNumber = 0;
history.action("myapp:myaction", async ({ param = 5 }, { context }) => {
const previous = myNumber;
myNumber += param;
myNumber /= context;
return async () => {
myNumber = previous;
history.action("myapp:otheraction", async () => {
console.log("other action");
await history.exec("myapp:myaction", { param: 2 });
// myNumber = (0 + 2) / 2 = 1
await history.exec("myapp:otheraction");
// myNumber unchanged
await history.exec("myapp:myaction");
// myNumber = (1 + 5) / 2 = 3
await history.exec("history:undo", { steps: 2 });
// myNumber = 0
await history.exec("history:redo");
// myNumber = 1
const actionPromise = history.exec("myapp:lateaction");
// actionPromise waits for action to be registered
history.action("myapp:lateaction", ({}, { latecontext }) => {
myNumber *= latecontext;
() => myNumber /= latecontext;
}, ["latecontext"]);
// actionPromise waits for dependent context to be defined
history.context({ latecontext: 10 });
// action is executed
await actionPromise;
// myNumber = 1 * 10 = 10