Based on One version
py -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
py -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew
optional, skip gstreamer (~120MB) if not needed
py -m pip install kivy.deps.gstreamer
optional, For Python 3.5+, you can also use the angle backend instead of glew.
py -m pip install kivy.deps.angle
py -m pip install kivy
(Optionally) Install the kivy examples:
py -m pip install kivy_examples pip install -U --force-reinstall Cython==0.29.9
Kivy Cython
1.9 0.21.2
1.9.1 0.23.1
1.10.0 0.25.2
1.10.1 0.28.2
1.11.0 0.29.9
1.11.1 0.29.9
In Python, packages such as Kivy can be installed with the python package manager, pip. Some packages such as Kivy require additional steps, such as compilation, when installing using the Kivy source code with pip. Wheels (with a .whl extension) are pre-built distributions of a package that has already been compiled and do not require additional steps to install.
When hosted on pypi one installs a wheel using pip, e.g. python -m pip install kivy. When downloading and installing a wheel directly, python -m pip install wheel_file_name is used, such as:
python -m pip install C:\
py -m pip uninstall kivy -y
py -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.sdl2
py -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.glew
py -m pip uninstall kivy.deps.gstreamer
py -m pip uninstall image
py -m pip install --upgrade pyinstaller
py -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
py -m pip install docutils pygments pypiwin32 kivy.deps.sdl2 kivy.deps.glew --extra-index-url
py -m pip install kivy
py -m pip install bbfreeze
py -m pip install Pillow
py -m pip install image
py -m pip install opencv-python
py -m pip freeze | select-string cython
pyInstaller + One-file mode
cx_Freeze Zipfile import
py2app Zipfile import