Making development with vagrant so easy that even your intern can use it.
We built Intern so that interns or other externals can kickstart development. Basically it's a Flask server for the frontend (Bootstrap 3) and a Twisted/ Autobahn server for running the websockets and executing/managing the processes.
Clone the repo, edit the config.json
to fit your needs.
Add the intern folder to your vagrant config:
config.vm.synced_folder "./intern/", "/home/vagrant/intern"
And forward ports 5000 (http) and 9000 (websockets): :forwarded_port, guest: 5000, host: 5000 :forwarded_port, guest: 9000, host: 9000
Also you need a virtualenv, in which you have to install the requirements.txt. You could e.g. use the python cookbook:
python_virtualenv "/home/vagrant/env_intern" do
interpreter "python2.7"
owner "vagrant"
group "vagrant"
action :create
You can use the following command to start the intern server, though we
recommend you put the command into a shellfile in the same level as the
Vagrantfile, so that your interns only have to run vagrant up; ./
You can also add cool stuff like open http://localhost:5000
into this
shellfile to make it even easier.
vagrant ssh -c 'source env_intern/bin/activate; cd intern; python'
An example configuration could look like this:
"title": "Product Gang Intern",
"services": {
"devserver": {
"name": "Development Server",
"description": "The development server, running on port 8000",
"command": "/home/vagrant/env_project/bin/python",
"args": ["", "runserver", "", "--settings", "project.settings.local"],
"path": "/home/vagrant/project/"
"migrate": {
"name": "Migrate",
"description": "Runs the database migrations",
"command": "/home/vagrant/env_project/bin/python",
"args": ["", "migrate", "--settings", "project.settings.local"],
"path": "/home/vagrant/project/"
"tests": {
"name": "Tests",
"description": "Runs the unit tests",
"command": "/home/vagrant/env_project/bin/python",
"args": ["", "test", "--settings", "project.settings.test"],
"path": "/home/vagrant/project/"