A CLI tool Which writes all the boiler-plate API and install Dependencies Express body-parser
and Selected ORM which can be selected from the list.
- Mongoose ✔️
- TypeORM (coming soon)
Either through cloning with git or by using npm (the recommended way):
npm install -g @prkhrv/api-cli
And api-cli will be installed globally to your system path.
api-cli requires ORM you want to use and it also initializes package.json and installs all the basic dependecies for the Database/ORM.
$ api-cli --install
? Please choose which database ORM to use (Use arrow keys)
❯ mongoose
? Initialize npm? (y/N)
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✔ Greetings
✔ Initialize npm
✔ Copy project files
✔ Install dependencies
DONE Project ready
When all the Processes are Completed try running server
node index
Mongoose open ./config/database.config.js and simply add Your MongoDB connection URL.
module.exports = {
url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/TestDB' //YOUR LINK HERE