This is a weather app which addresses the need for a fast and easy to manage article system, while providing a focus on weather and climate information.
- It uses the following Azure Services: Azure Virtual Machine, Azure Text-To-Speech.
- The backend is coded using Java Servlet, Tomcat Server, JDBC db connection, MySQL database, JSP for frontend.
- Create a Linux VM for running the application backend and storing the MySQL database.
- Create an API key for accessing the Azure Speech Services.
Navigate to article.jsp and paste in your Azure Speech Services Key in the following code block:
try {
fetch("", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "",
"Content-Type": "application/ssml+xml",
"X-Microsoft-OutputFormat": "audio-16khz-128kbitrate-mono-mp3",
body: `<speak version='1.0' xml:lang='en-US'>
<voice xml:lang='en-US' xml:gender='Female' name='en-US-JennyNeural'>
.then((response) => response.arrayBuffer())
.then((arrayBuffer) => {
var blob = new Blob([arrayBuffer], { type: 'audio/mp3' });
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var audio = new Audio();
audio.src = url;;
.catch((error) => {
console.error("Error:", error);
alert("Oops! An error occurred.");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error:", error);
alert("Oops! An error occurred.");
Note: API keys used for the deployment of the demo have been removed from this git repo for security reasons.
Clone the repo
git clone
Make sure MySQL is installed. We assume user:'root', password:'abcd'.
Make sure Apache Tomcat 9.0.x is installed.
Import project into Eclipse.
Setup tomcat server on any available port (say, 8080).
Export WAR file from Eclipse.
Install tomcat-9.0.x server following instructions given at
Navigate to tomcat manager and upload and deploy WAR file.
Note: Navigate to /Startup to have the application automatically create the database and tables for you.
- User Registration and Session Cookie based authentication for login.
- Passwords are stored using Bcrypt Hashing Algorithm.
- Users may logout.
- Users may specify their default location for displaying of weather news.
- Users may post articles with images and tags.
- Users may delete their own posts.
- Latest 6 posts can be viewed from the front page; others may be navigated using the posts link.
- Users can view wether information for any location of their choice.
- Users can listen to a TTS version of posts using Azure's Speech Service.
├── LICENSE .................................................... License terms
├── .................................................. This document
└── Weather News
├── build
│ └── classes
│ └── pkg ............................................ Compiled Java classes
└── src
└── main
├── java
│ └── pkg ........................................ Java Servlet sources
└── webapp ......................................... HTML and JSP templates
│ └── MANIFEST.MF ............................ JAR manifest
├── other
│ ├── css .................................... Font and CSS rules
│ └── js ..................................... JS files
├── Pics ....................................... Static and Uploaded images
├── lib
│ └── mysql-connector-java-8.0.30.jar .... MySQL connector JAR
└── web.xml ................................ Listing of servlet welcome files