Note: make sure you have pip
and virtualenv
Initial installation: make install
To run test: make tests
To run application: make run
To run all commands at once : make all
Make sure to run the initial migration commands to update the database.
> python db init
> python db migrate --message 'initial database migration'
> python db upgrade
Open the following url on your browser to view swagger documentation
Create user using user endpoint /user as depecited inside postman collection.
Once user is created token will get generated and it can be use to call process payment endpoint.
Authorization header is in the following format:
Key: Authorization
Value: "token_generated_during_login"
For testing authorization, url for getting all user requires an admin token while url for getting a single
user by public_id requires just a regular authentication.
>Write a Flask Web API with only 1 method called “ProcessPayment” that receives a request
>like this
>CreditCardNumber (mandatory, string, it should be a valid credit card number)
>CardHolder: (mandatory, string)
>ExpirationDate (mandatory, DateTime, it cannot be in the past)
>SecurityCode (optional, string, 3 digits)
>Amount (mandatoy decimal, positive amount)
>The response of this method should be 1 of the followings based on
>Payment is processed: 200 OK
>The request is invalid: 400 bad request
>Any error: 500 internal server error
>The payment could be processed using different payment providers (external services)
>The payment gateway that should be used to process each payment follows the next set of
>business rules:
>a) If the amount to be paid is less than £20, use CheapPaymentGateway.
>b) If the amount to be paid is £21-500, use ExpensivePaymentGateway if available.
>Otherwise, retry only once with CheapPaymentGateway.
>c) If the amount is > £500, try only PremiumPaymentGateway and retry up to 3 times
>in case payment does not get processed.
>The classes should be written in such way that they are easy to test.
>Write as many tests as you think is enough to be certain about your solution works -
>Use SOLID principles.
>Decouple the logic the prediction logic from the API as much as possible