Bullet Train allows you to manage feature flags and remote config across multiple projects, environments and organisations.
The SDK for Flutter applications for https://bullet-train.io/.
The client library is available from the https://pub.dev:
For full documentation visit https://docs.bullet-train.io
Sign Up and create an account at https://bullet-train.io/
In your application, initialise the BulletTrain client with your API key:
var bulletClient = BulletTrainClient(apiKey: 'YOUR_ENV_API_KEY')
To check if a feature flag exists and is enabled:
bool featureEnabled = await bulletClient.hasFeatureFlag("my_test_feature");
if (featureEnabled) {
// run the code to execute enabled feature
} else {
// run the code if feature switched off
To get the configuration value for a feature flag:
var myRemoteConfig = await bulletClient.getFeatureFlagValue("my_test_feature");
if (myRemoteConfig != null) {
// run the code to use remote config value
} else {
// run the code without remote config
Identifying users allows you to target specific users from the Bullet Train dashboard.
To check if a feature exists for a given user Identity:
var user = FeatureUser(identifier: 'bullet_train_sample_user');
bool featureEnabled = await bulletClient.hasFeatureFlag('my_test_feature', user: user);
if (featureEnabled) {
// run the code to execute enabled feature for given user
} else {
// run the code when feature switched off
To get the configuration value for a feature flag for given a user Identity:
var myRemoteConfig = await bulletClient.getFeatureFlagValue('my_test_feature', user: user);
if (myRemoteConfig != null) {
// run the code to use remote config value
} else {
// run the code without remote config
To get the user traits for given user Identity:
var userTraits = await bulletClient.getTraits(user)
if (userTraits != null && userTraits) {
// run the code to use user traits
} else {
// run the code without user traits
To get user trait for given user Identity and specific Trait key:
var userTrait = await bulletClient.getTrait(user, 'cookies_key');
if (userTrait != null) {
// run the code to use user trait
} else {
// run the code without user trait
Or get user traits for given user Identity and specific Trait keys:
var userTraits = await bulletClient.getTraits(user, keys: ['cookies_key', 'other_trait']);
if (userTraits != null) {
// run the code to use user traits
} else {
// run the code without user traits
To update a user trait for given user Identity:
var userTrait = await bulletClient.getTrait(user, 'cookies_key');
if (userTrait != null) {
// update value for user trait
var updatedTrait = userTrait.copyWith(value: 'new value');
Trait updated = await bulletClient.updateTrait(user, updatedTrait);
} else {
// run the code without user trait
By default, the client uses the default configuration. You can override this configuration as follows:
var bulletClient = BulletTrainClient(
config: BulletTrainConfig(
baseURI: 'http://yoururl.com/'
), apiKey: 'YOUR_ENV_API_KEY');
Override the default configuration with your own:
final appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
await appDir.create(recursive: true);
final databasePath = join(appDir.path, 'bullt_train.db');
var bulletClient = BulletTrainClient(
config: BulletTrainConfig(
baseURI: 'http://yoururl.com/',
connectTimeout: 200,
receiveTimeout: 500,
sendTimeout: 500,
usePersitantStorage: true,
persistantDatabasePath: databasePath,
), apiKey: 'YOUR_ENV_API_KEY');
If you encounter a bug or feature request we would like to hear about it. Before you submit an issue please search existing issues in order to prevent duplicates.
If you have any questions about our projects you can email [email protected].