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primaeval edited this page Jul 23, 2017 · 15 revisions


I'll try to add a bit more info about the settings here. The code in brackets is either the internal setting name or the action that is performed.


Command Keys [RunScript($CWD/,commands)]

Pop up the file commands.txt that shows the default keyboard button shortcuts.

You can get a good overview of the features of TVGF here.

AutoPlayWith [RunScript($CWD/,autoplaywith)]

A Readme file with help on setting up External Players or launching Python Scripts in response to an AutoPlayWith timer.

Enable help/question mark for invisible buttons [help.invisiblebuttons]

Currently only working in the White Snow addon. It shows an overlay of the invisible buttons in the epg and osd for navigation.


This is the most important page in the Settings.

XMLTV Source [xmltv.type]

XMLTV file source. File is for local content on your device or home network. Url is an internet server.

XMLTV File [xmltv.file]

XMLTV file location.

XMLTV Url [xmltv.url]

XMLTV file url.

Look for .gz Files (Urls only) [gz]

Save yourself a ton of time and bandwidth. This will look for the compressed xmltv file in the same location with a .gz suffix. If your server does automatic compression you probably can turn this off.

md5 Check (Urls only) [md5]

Another great time and bandwidth saver. If you have control of your xmltv server make an .md5 file of the source xmltv file on every update. The new xmltv file will only be downloaded when it changes.

Reset on Start [xmltv.refresh]

Turn this off after one restart or your channel mappings will keep getting reset!

This will clean out most of the xmltv related tables in the source.db internal file on the next start. It is useful when you change xmltv files and have some left-over channels with no program data. There are more reset functions in the Reset Database tab. If you really get stuck delete everything manually in the addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen folder.

File Download Interval [xmltv.interval]

How often the guide will try to download a new xmltv file on start. "Every start" can be useful for trouble shooting. Turn it on once to force an xmltv reload. The preferred and least intrusive way to update the xmltv data is in "Startup \ Background Update Service".

Treat 4 Digit Program Date as Movie []

The only way to identify some Movies is if they have a 4 digit year in the date field. Use this if that is how your xmltv data is formatted. Others have the year in the title eg "Star Wars (1977)".


More server data but optional.

Authentication [authentication]

Try to use the user and password below to grab the xmltv file and other ini files in this page.

User [user]

User name for authentication.

Password [password]

Password for authentication.

Import addons.ini will overwrite added addon folders! [``]

If you set up all your channel to stream mappings on one device and want to sync the rest of your devices with that device this could be useful.

Import addons.ini [addons.ini.enabled]

addons.ini is the main magic file that let's you map an xmltv channel to an addon stream. This setting will import addons.ini from an external location. You can merge it or let it overwrite your local addons.ini file.

addons.ini Source [addons.ini.type]

addons.ini source location: local or internet server.

addons.ini File [addons.ini.file]

addons.ini local file location. On your device or local network.

addons.ini Url [addons.ini.url]

addons.ini server url.

Overwrite or Merge Local addons.ini [addons.ini.overwrite]

Overwrite your addons.ini file or just merge the new file from the server.

Enable addons.ini m3u Playlist Subscriptions [addons.ini.subscriptions]

This will let you add several m3u playlists to the addons.ini file.

Manage addons.ini m3u Playlist Subscriptions [RunScript($CWD/]

Add and remove m3u playlists from the subscription list.

Refresh may take some time! [``]

Refresh Addon Folders [RunScript($CWD/]

Force refreshing all the Folders that you have added to addons.ini in "TVGF \ Menu \ Stream Setup \ Browse \ \ \ Add Folder"

Categories can be created via context menu [``]

Categories in this section are Channel Categories that can filter your channels by a user defined category. eg Sports or Kids.

Import categories.ini [categories.ini.enabled]

Load Channel Categories from an external file.

categories.ini Source [categories.ini.type]

categories.ini source type: local network or internet.

categories.ini File [categories.ini.file]

Local device or network categories.ini file.

categories.ini Url [categories.ini.url]

Internet url for categories.ini file.

Remember Last Category [categories.remember]

Restart TVGF with the last Channel Category still selected.

Channel Mappings [``]

Channel Mappings map the xmltv channel name to an addon stream or url. You can force the mappings in this section.

Import mapping.ini [mapping.ini.enabled]

Import a channel to stream mapping.ini file on start.

mapping.ini Source [mapping.ini.type]

mappings.ini local or internet location.

mapping.ini File [mapping.ini.file]

mappings.ini local network file.

mapping.ini Url [mapping.ini.url]

mappings.ini internet url.

Import m3u [mapping.m3u.enabled]

Use an .m3u file for the channel mapping file mapping.m3u

m3u Source [mapping.m3u.type]

Internet or local network mapping.m3u location.

m3u File [mapping.m3u.file]

Local network mapping.m3u file location.

m3u Url [mapping.m3u.url]

Internet mapping.m3u url.


If you are lucky your xmltv file will contain urls for channel logos. If not you will have to make or find a folder with logos that correspond to the channel names in the xmltv file.


Enable Channel Logos [logos.enabled]

Show the channel logos if they can be found. If not just show a text string with the channel name in the main epg.

External Logo Source [logos.source]

Use a local network or internet path for the logo folder.

Logos Folder [logos.folder]

Local logo folder.

Logos Url [logos.url]

Internet logo folder url.

Keep Last Channel Logo Mapping [logos.keep]

If you have used the "TVGF \ Channels \ Logo" functions to map up logos to channel names turn this on to prevent losing the customization on the next xmltv update.


Use xmltv Logos [xmltv.logos]

Use the channel logos from the xmltv file if they exist.

Use Addon Folder Logos [addon.logos]

Use logos from addons streams if they exist.


Use Logos [thelogodb]

Look up channel logos from the always, if missing or never. Channel name matching is hit and miss.

Delete Cache [RunScript($CWD/, 4)]

Delete logo cache in "userdata\addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen\logos".


Crop and Resize Logo Folder [RunScript($CWD/]

Crop and Resize the logos in the logo folder to fit the current epg channels per page size. This works fine in Jarvis but was having some problems resizing images with the PIL python library in Krypton. If the logos don't resize properly use Jarvis.


Use highest bandwidth stream from m3u url (Krypton+ fix) []

The code to play HLS streams in Krypton was taken out for some annoying reason. That is why I still use Jarvis for channel surfing. HLS streams can take 10 seconds to start in Krypton whereas they start instantly in Jarvis. This setting may speed up pure HLS urls to only a couple of seconds. See this thread for more info


Catchup Addon ( [catchup.text]

Addon to use for catchup handling. It needs to be a derivative of Meta4Kodi for the url to work such as metalliq. If you have set the players correctly you should be able to play any tv show episode or movie in an addon that can find the program based on its title, year, season and episode number.

This is one of three methods to launch a catchup service. The others are iSearch for Super Favourites type searches and Catchup Addon in Lab1 which can use freeform urls.

Show Catchup Channel []

This is an experimental feature that doesn't work too well due to limitations in the receiving addons. If you have "catchup" as the url for a channel stream this will play the channel via Meta4Kodi or derivative from the start of the current program. A pseudo channel called Meta should appear as channel 1 in the epg.

The logic is not strong enough to deal with gaps between programs due to adverts or taking too long to automatically find a program and play it via Meta.

Channel Shortcuts (xmltv Ids must be Numeric) [``]

Use a numeric code to go straight to a channel. In the Default skin the channel number is shown in the top left as you type it.

Channel Shortcut Type [channel.shortcut]

The channel number can be the index of the channel in the xmltv file found in "TVGF \ Menu \ Channels" or use the channel id in the xmltv file. If you want to match a set-top boxes numbering scheme use xmltv id. You'll have to edit the Webgrab config file to set the xmltv id properly.

Start When Any Number Key Pressed (or map Shift Key to start) []

If you want the number keys to go directly to the channel use this. Normally the number keys are used for channel listings, program searches and timer lists.

If you turn this off you can map up a key to "Shift" to start the numeric input process.

Auto-Play Channel On Numeric Input [channel.shortcut.behaviour]

Choose whether to scroll to the selected channel or play it.

Channel Shortcut Digits [channel.index.digits]

Fixed number of digits to look for before playing the channel.

Shortcut Editor (run the guide once to create the file) [RunScript($CWD/]

If you don't generate your own xmltv file you can use this to set the numeric xmltv ids. The file ends up in "userdata\addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen\channel_id_shortcut.ini"


Always Open Menu on Play (Good for Touch Devices) []

If you have a dearth of buttons on your remote or a touch device this is a good option to choose to get to the Menu.


Always Choose Channel if Alternative Streams Exist [play.alt.choose]

I think this option will pop up the Choose Stream dialog if you press enter on an already playing channel. (CHECK)

Try Other Alternative Streams if Play Fails [play.alt.continue]

Try to play the Alternative Streams if the first one fails after a timeout.

Use Alternative Streams as a Fallback Only [play.alt.fallback]

If you have a Primary and Alterative Streams set for a channel you usually get a dialog to choose which one to play. This will just play the Primary but try the Alternative Streams if it fails to play.


Disabling the OSD menu may fix video stuttering [``]

Also try turning off Surface Codec in "Kodi \ System \ Player \ Videos \ Processing".

Enable OSD menu [enable.osd]

If you turn this off the streams will play with the normal Kodi video osd menus with Play controls and all the other Video and Audio menus. If you use the TVGF Osd you can get to the Kodi Osd with the Fullscreen button which is TAB on desktop devices.

Use alternative streaming method (required for some addons). [alternative.playback]

This will try to play streams using xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % url). Some addons need this method. You can also set individual addon Folders or Urls to use this method in "TVGF \ Browse \\ Add Folder"

Playback OSD and Timeout are Cumulative [``]

Timeouts for the "Try Other Alternative Streams if Play Fails" options above.

Playback OSD (seconds) [playback.osd.timeout]

How long to always show the OSD after you start playing a channel.

Playback Timeout (seconds) [playback.timeout]

How long to give an addon to play a channel before going on to the next one or giving up.


Stop Playing on Exit [stop.on.exit]

Keep playing a stream when you exit out TVGF. Good if you want to look for something else to watch while the current channel keeps playing.

Start Playback in Background/Window [play.minimized]

Usually playback will start in a Fullscreen window with Osd. Use this for testing channels by having them start in the epg window, either in the background or the small PIP window.

Exit from EPG on Back Button [exit.on.back]

When a channel is playing the Back button will flip between the epg and the fullscreen osd video. Use this for Back to exit TVGF from the epg when playing a channel.


Also look in Background and Lab1 for settings that control the general appearance of the epg.

Skin Type [skin.source]

There are 3 places that can be used to install a skin.

"Ours" means the default "resources\skins" folder in the main addon installation location. The skins I try to keep up-to-date with the new features are "Default" and "CatBar". "CatBar" has the permanent Category Bar at the top of the screen.

"Yours" means you can copy a skin folder to the "userdata\addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen\resources\skins" folder. You will have to create the resoures and skins folders first.

"Folder" means any folder that Kodi can see. This is the location the extra addon skins use. Make sure it contains a "resources\skins" folder above the skin folder.

Skin [skin]

Skin name. "Default" and "CatBar" should have most of the features of TVGF.

Skin Folder (above resources/skins) [skin.folder]

Folder for Skin Type "Folder". Make sure the skin folder is below the folders "resources\skins".

User Skin Name [skin.user]

User Skin Name is the name of the folder in the above folder.

Small EPG Video Preview Window []

Use the small epg pip window instead of having the video show behind the epg.


Scale Program Image [program.image.scale]

If your xmltv program images are long this will crop them to the pip window. It can look bad with 4:3 or portrait images.


List View for Choose Stream [stream.addon.list]

Use a standard Kodi list dialog for the channel stream matching dialog: Choose Stream.


Up to Categories Bar []

How to access the permanent Category Bar in the "CatBar" skin and derivatives.

"First Channel" will only go up on the Up key when you are at the very first channel in the epg.

"Always" will go up to the Category Bar at the top of every page in the epg.

Show Action Bar []

The Action Bar is a permanent customizable list of Actions at the bottom of the screen in some skins.

Down to Action Bar [down.action]

Use the down key to get to the Action Bar when you get to the bottom of a page in the epg.

Reset Action Bar [RunScript($CWD/]

Reset the Action Bar custom Actions to defaults.


Program Search in Synopsis/Title []

In Program Search (4 button) you can use Title Search to include the Synopsis in the search. This is what you would expect from most online searches.

Listings Views [``]

Listings views are all the List Views that can be brought up by the number keys: Channel Listing, Now, Next, Search, Reminders.

Listing View Future Days [listing.days]

How many days to show in the above lising views.

Listing View Previous Hours [listing.hours]

How many previous hours to show in the listings views. If you don't ever want to use Catchup services then set this to zero.

Sort Listings Views by Time [listing.sort.time]

The default listings views are sorted by Channel then Time. Choose this for just Time.


Show Up Next [enable.nextup]

- Time before end in seconds to show [nextup.time]

- Set display time [enable.nextup.showTime]

- Time in seconds to show [nextup.showTime]


iSearch or MySearch [search.type]

Use spoyser's Super Favourites iSearch function to search for a catchup program. iSearch is the Super Favourites version. MySearch is my copy of the search list.

You can copy this list from "addons\script.tvguide.fullscreen\resources\favourites.xml" to "userdata\addon_data\script.tvguide.fullscreen\favourites.xml" to add your own or just customize the one in Super Favourites

Favourite Favourites [favourites]

Which favourites type addon to use for the Favourites menu item. Use Kodi Favourites, Super Favourites or my Simple Favourites addon. Simple Favourites is an easier to use addon than Super Favourites if you don't need that complexity.


Show Long Date in EPG [date.long]

Use the long or short date in the epg if your skin is low on space.

Show Touch Control Buttons [mouse.controls]

Show the Touch/Mouse control buttons in the epg and osd. In a desktop system they will pop up when the mouse moves.

Show Channel Logo in EPG above Program Image [channel.logo]

Show a small current channel logo above the pip program image.

Show Addon Logo in EPG above Program Image [addon.logo]

Show the current mapped addon logo and name for the current selected channel above the pip program image.


Channels per Page []

Number of channels per epg page. Depends on how much you like scrolling and how dense you like your text.

If you import logos from TheLogoDb and you change this you will need to reimport the logos as they are resized to fit the epg based on this setting.


Sort Order for Channels in Categories [channel.filter.sort]

This is the sort order for the Channel Categories. Sort them, leave them as they were in the xmltv file or use the order from an imported categories.ini file in Optional.


Channel Matching [addon.match]

How the fuzzy matching matches addon streams to channel names. This is the real magic of TVGF.

Exact matches "BBC One" to "BBC One".

Containing matches "BBC One" to "Ch. 1 BBC One HD".

Everything matches "BBC1" to "Ch. 1 BBC One England HD". This can be slow on very low end devices but should only need to be done once per channel.


No Programs Message [no.programs.message]

How you like your no programs message. It used to be something like "Sorry. No Programs Available for this Channel".


Show Addon in Context Menu [menu.addon]

Show the current mapped addon for the channel in the main Menu.

Epg Program Title Box Spacing []

White Snow skin specific.


Last Channel Popup in OSD or ContextMenu []

White Snow skin specific.


RedrawEPG closing windows in VideoMode [redraw.epg]

White Snow skin specific.


Show dummy channels on final page [dummy.channels]

Pad the last page of the epg with dummy channels. Some skins don't need this depending on the background they use.


Background images for epg customization. Some skins will totally override the settings here and do their own thing. Use Default and CatBar to see what these settings do.

Enable Background Program Image [program.background.enabled]

Show the current selected program's image behind the epg. This only looks good if the program image has high enough resolution. It can also be useful if you are watching a channel in the pip window and also want to see other program images to choose your next channel.

Background Image Source [program.background.image.source]

Background image location: local device and network or internet. The background will be stretched to 1280x720 pixels.

Choose None to use a solid colour.

Background Image File [program.background.image]

Background image file location.

Background Image Url [program.background.image.url]

Background image url.

Pick Image [RunScript($CWD/,remote,program.background.image.url)]

Choose a background image from Pixabay. This was intended to use the Google Image search but they have made it too hard to use these days, probably due to copyright issues.

Background EPG Colour [program.background.color]

If the Background Image Source is None you can choose a colour for the background.

Flat Background Image [program.background.flat]

Flat or textured background image for use with the Background EPG Colour setting.

Background Image Texture [program.background.texture.url]

Image file that can be used as a texture with the background colour tint.

Pick Texture [RunScript($CWD/,both,program.background.texture.url)]

EPG Timebar Colour [timebar.color]

Colour of the epg time marker.

EPG Text Colour [epg.nofocus.color]

Colour of the epg programs.

EPG Text Colour Highlight [epg.focus.color]

Colour of focused epg programs

Categories Background Colour [categories.background.color]

Colour of the pop-up Category Bar background.


Starting and Background Update settings. Save yourself a lot of waiting by using an overnight update timer.

Autostart TV Guide Fullscreen when Kodi starts up [autostart]

Open TVGF when Kodi starts just like a set-top box.


Background Update Service [background.service]

Turn this on if you don't like waiting around.

Update on Login [background.startup]

Update the xmltv programs as soon as Kodi reaches the login phase of startup.

Service Schedule Type [service.type]

Run the background update every x hours or at a specific time of day.

Service Interval [service.interval]

Background update period.

Service Time [service.time]

Time of day to do a background update.

Update Addon Folders Too [service.addon.folders]

Refresh all the Addon Folders when you do an update in case your addon streams change frequently.

This may mess up your current folder view if the addons change the view type themselves. eg from List View to Thumbnail View.

Notify when Finished [background.notify]

Popup a notification when the xmltv file has been read and parsed.

Update Notification Progress [update.progress]

Show the xmltv parsing notification progress. If you start the guide when an update is happening you won't get the latest changes. Patience you must have, my young padawan.

Program Scheduler

Reminders, autoplay timers and recording.

Reminders (5 Minutes Before) [``]

Reminders [notifications.enabled]

Enable the Reminder notifications when a program is about to start. Reminders can be set for a single program or any occurance of that program name.

Clear Reminders... [RunScript($CWD/]

Clear the list of Reminders.

Autoplay: OSD will not be available [``]

Play a program when an Autoplay timer is set for it. Once or Always.

Autoplays [autoplays.enabled]

Disable all Autoplays.

Stop After Play [autoplays.stop]

Leave the channel playing after an Autoplay timer finishes.

Minutes before [autoplays.before]

How many minutes to start an Autoplay timer before a program starts.

Minutes after [autoplays.after]

How many minutes to end an Autoplay timer after a program finishes.

Clear Autoplays... [RunScript($CWD/]

Clear all the Autoplays.

AutoPlayWith (External Player) [``]

AutoPlayWith is a generic term for a timer that can launch an external player or script to play or record a program.

There are three potential ways to launch an AutoPlayWith timer: a PlayerCoreFactory.xml player, a python script or an ffmpeg exe.

The AutoPlayWith function will first check if the ffmpeg exe location is set, then if the python script exists, if not it will check for a PlayerCoreFactory Player.

See this file for imformation about using python scripts:

AutoPlayWiths [autoplaywiths.enabled]

Enable the AutoPlayWiths.

PlayerCoreFactory.xml Player [autoplaywiths.player]

If this is set the PlayerCoreFactory.xml Player will be used for the AutoPlayWith timer.

Some useful info can be found here and here

Stop After Play [autoplaywiths.stop]

Run the stop script when the AutoPlayWith finishes.

ffmpeg Program [autoplaywiths.ffmpeg]

Location of the ffmpeg.exe executable. Make sure it has the right permissions and has executable flags set.

ffmpeg Output Folder [autoplaywiths.folder]

Where you want the ffmpeg recordings to go.

Minutes before [autoplaywiths.before]

How many minutes to start an AutoPlayWith timer before a program starts.

Minutes after [autoplaywiths.after]

How many minutes to end an AutoPlayWith timer after a program finishes.

Clear Autoplaywiths... [RunScript($CWD/]

Clear all the AutoPlayWiths.

Reset Database

Try "Settings \ Source \ Reset on Start" before trying these more comprehensive resets.

Reset EPG Data [RunScript($CWD/, 1)]

Just try to clear the Channel and Program tables from the source.db file.

Reset Everything [RunScript($CWD/, 2)]

Delete the database and ini files. This is a pretty hard reset.


Automatic vpn switching on channel start with Zomboided's service.vpn.manager addon.

VPN Manager Connection Switching [``]

Install VPN Manager to switch VPN with channels [``]

VPN switching can delay changing channels [``]

Use VPN Mgr filtering for channel add-ons [vpnmgr.connect]

Always revert to previous VPN state [vpnmgr.default]


Various program image and assorted settings that are still a bit experimental.

Custom Category Order (use | to seperate) [cat.order]

Custom Channel Category sort order if you must have Sport before Kids.

Find Program Images from OMDb/TVDb/IMDb [find.program.images]

Try to find missing program images from various sources. This shouldn't really be used as your primary source of program images unless your xmltv file doesn't have many.

OMDb Image and Plot Search [omdb]

Use the OMDb to find program images and plots.

TVDb/IMDb Image Search []

Use the TVDb for TV Shows and IMDb for Movies missing images.

TVDb Matching [tvdb.match]

How fuzzy to match the TV Show to the TVDb program.

IMDb Matching [imdb.match]

How fuzzy to match the Movie to the IMDb search result.

Use Better Resolution IMDb Image (takes longer) [imdb.big]

Choose speed or quality.

Clear OMDb/TVDb/IMDb Image Match Cache [RunScript($CWD/, 3)]

Clear the rotating cache of program image matches.


Use Program Image from Source [program.image]

Disable the xmltv program images.


Fall back to Channel Logo for Program Image []

Show the channel logo in the pip window if there is no program image. This could look very ugly if you have low resolution channel logos.


Append (Folder) to Name on Add Folder [append.folder]

Append the folder name to the Addon Folders added in "Stream Setup \ Browse".

EPG Font [epg.font]

Choose a different font than font13 for the programs in the epg grid. If you really want custom fonts that your skin doesn't provide you have to add them in the skins font folder. There are some detailed instructions in the White Snow skin addon.


Action Editor [RunScript($CWD/]

Customize most of the keyboard shortcuts. You also need to use something like "Keymap Editor" to map a physical button to the Action. Using Actions instead of just buttons allows you to use some mouse actions too.

Custom Command for MINE [mine1]

There is a button in the epg mouse overlay called MINE that you can set a custom Kodi commmand for.

Format: %Y year %m month %d day %H hour %M minute %D duration(minutes) [``]

%I channel id %T program title %S season %E episode [``]

Mangage Catchup Urls [RunScript($CWD/]

You can launch a catchup command from any program based on its time, name, season and episode. This command manages the list of commands.

It means you can bypass the Meta/iSearch catchup buttons and go directly to your addon or pvr backend server for catchup programs. This is a very powerful new addition.

Ask to Catchup [catchup.dialog]

When to add the list of catchup urls to a dialog to play the channel or catchup url. Always, Never, after the program has started or after the program has finished.


Experimental Alternative Data Sources [``]

(OK this dialog and return after changing source) [``]

Very important!

Data Source [source.source]

Sports Fixtures [``]

Not currently working.

Include Sports Fixtures in xmltv Source [fixtures]

Not currently working.

Sports Fixtures Country Code []

Not currently working.

Sports Fixtures Time Zone [fixtures.timezone]

Not currently working. [``]

Great source of channels for the UK. Days []

How many days ahead to grab data for. Use at least 2 if you watch TV late at night. Provider []

Choose the provider such as Sky, BT, Freeview. email (overrides Provider) []

Very quick setup procedure. Make a custom channel list at and use the email address here to automate adding channels. [``]

Lots of providers from most major countries around the world. Countries (OK Dialog After Selecting Source) [RunScript($CWD/, 1)]

Choose one or more countries to add channels from. Providers (OK Dialog After Selecting Countries) [RunScript($CWD/, 2)]

Choose the tv guide providers from each country.

SchedulesDirect [``]

SchedulesDirect is a very comprehensive service for epg data from around the world. It costs a very reasonable $25/year. There are no program images but you can use the services in Lab1 to find some.

SD-Username [sd.username]

SchedulesDirect username.

SD-Password [sd.password]

SchedulesDirect password.

SD-Changed [sd.changed]

Hidden setting.

Change SchedulesDirect-Login [RunScript($CWD/, 1)]

SchedulesDirect login.

Add lineup [RunScript($CWD/, 2)]

Add a tv guide provider from your countries of choice.

Edit channels [RunScript($CWD/, 3)]

Subscribe to some of the tv guide provider's channels.

Delete lineup [RunScript($CWD/, 4)]

Remove a provider.

Days of guide data to load [sd.range]

Number of days to download.

File download interval [sd.interval]

When to download new SchedulesDirect data.


Secondary XMLTV File [``]

Merge in another xmltv file to your primary one. Make sure your main xmltv file works ok first.

XMLTV Secondary Source [xmltv2.enabled]

Enable a secondary xmltv file.

XMLTV Secondary Source Type [xmltv2.type]

Local or internet xmltv file source.

XMLTV Secondary File [xmltv2.file]

Local xmltv file.

XMLTV Secondary Url [xmltv2.url]

xmltv url.


Clear Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,5)]

Clear all the chosen channel streams.

Export Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,1)]

Export the channel stream mappings to 'special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/custom_stream_urls.ini'

Import Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,2)]

Import the channel stream mappings from 'special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/custom_stream_urls.ini'


Clear Alternative Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,6)]

Clear all the alternative channel streams.

Export Alternative Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,3)]

Export the alternative channel mappings to 'special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/alt_custom_stream_urls.tsv'. Note this is a tab seperated file.

Import Alternative Channel Mappings [RunScript($CWD/,4)]

Import the alternative channel stream mappings from 'special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/alt_custom_stream_urls.tsv'


Download All Addon Folder Logos [RunScript($CWD/]

Download all the channel logos for the Addon Folders you added in "Stream Setup \ Browse". They end up in directories with the addon id here 'special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/addon_logos/'

Download All Channel Logos [RunScript($CWD/]

Download all the current channel logos here "special://profile/addon_data/script.tvguide.fullscreen/channel_logos/"

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