A console-based RPN calculator, inspired by the HP48 and HP42s.
Symbol # Args Description
+ 2 add (x+y)
- 2 subtract (x-y)
* x 2 multiply (x*y)
^ 2 power (x^y)
/ 2 divide (x/y)
= == eq 2 equality (1 if x=y else 0)
!= !== ne 2 non-equality (0 if x=y else 1)
not 1 0 if x != 0 else 1
< lt 2 less than (1 if x<y else 0)
> gt 2 greater than (1 if x>y else 0)
<= le lte 2 less than or equal (1 if x<=y else 0)
>= ge gte 2 greater than or equal (1 if x>=y else 0)
<< 2 left shift (x<<y)
>> 2 right shift (x>>y)
mod % 2 modulus (x % y)
abs 1 absolute value (|x|)
sqrt 1 square root (sqrt(x))
sum all sum of entire stack (x+y+z+w+...)
product prod all product of entire stack (x+y+z+w+...)
drop d all discard top item of stack
swap 2 swap x and y on the stack
dupe 1 make a copy of top item of stack
_text 0 push 'text' onto stack
# rpn 1 2 +
# rpn 1 2 3 4 5 sum
# rpn 3 4 5 d +
# rpn 2 sqrt
# rpn 2 sqrt 2 '^'
# rpn 1 2 '<' (note: escape needed when using a shell)
1.0000 # true
# rpn 1 16 '<<'
# rpn 1 2 3