Start a singularity shell with coffea with
Example Analyses are separated into these files:
- processor_<example_name>.py
- runner_<example_name>.py
- plotter_<example_name>.py
To run the ZH Recoil example:
Step 0 : Clone this repository
Navigate to example folder
cd examples/FCCee/higgs/mHrecoil/mumu/
Start the singularity shell
A] Local Execution Within the shell execute with the desired parameters(--executor or -e set to dask by default). The output file would be saved at ./output/FCCee/higgs/mH-recoil/mumu/.
singularity> python3 -e dask
One can also choose to split up the processing and results in chunks with the --chunks or -c argument
singularity> python3 -e dask -c 8
B] Batch Execution with HTCondor Choosing the executor as condor one can generate job and submit files and a master submit file called
singularity> python3 -e condor -c 8
Now exit the container shell with exit , move to the directory where the files are created(by default Batch) and run without getting into the shell
singularity> exit cd Batch ./
Generate plots with (from the singularity shell). The plots would be saved at ./output/FCCee/higgs/mH-recoil/mumu/plots/
singularity> python3
If the plots are generated in a different folder than ./output/FCCee/higgs/mH-recoil/mumu/ , input it's path with the --input or -i keyword. For example for batch submission, the outputs are saved in Batch directory.
singularity> python3 -i Batch