This is a collection of material i gathred during my preparation for the Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) exam.
Most of the stuff is very unsorted, however i would like to share with the fellow hackers studied for the exam as i also did benefit from various other Cheatsets and different sources.
Here a brief description of the files and directories:
oscp_notes.txt- the notes i kept during lab and exam
ctf_machines_for_training.txt - CTF machines i played to prepare for the exam
exploits/ - a collection of exploits i used during lab/exam
material/windows_privesc/ - docs explaining different methods for windows priviledge escalation
material/writeups/ - writeups of different CTF boxes that explain useful exploitation methods/pwning useful for the lab/exam
notes/ - some notes i kept for pwning different software
tools/ - host enumeration scripts i wrote
reverse_shells/ - different reverse shells in asp/php/jsp/... language
passwordlists/ - my favourite password lists for password bruteforce
windows/ - tools for windows enumeration/password dumping
Have fun with the OSCP! ... and remember, TRY HARDER!! (they really mean it!)
~gamma [email protected]