This is the implementation of the BuildingNet architecture described in this paper:
BuildingNet: Learning to Label 3D Buildings
This project was built using cuda10.1 and python3.8
For other requirements, look into requirements.txt. The conda environment is in 'buildingnet.yml'
The model features are combinations of a pretrained network model features and building prior information features.
In this paper we have used minkowskiNet to train for the pretrained features.
Minkowski CNN
After downloading the dataset (fill in the form on our official project page to get access) place the contents of
under thedata
folder in the project -
To run this model, execute command in run.txt
python3 --datadir="data" --epoch 200 --outputdir 'Output' --ckpt_dir 'checkpoint' --normalization 'GN' --modeltype 'Edge' --edgetype 'all' --lr 1e-4 --nodetype 'node+minkownormal' --pretrainedtype 'fc3_avg' --IOU_checkpoint=5
This gives shape and part IOU every 5 epochs