A PHP function that will convert a coordinate in DMS (degrees / minutes / seconds) or DM only to decimal degrees.
Strictly speaking it will also accept decimal degrees. I wanted a function that could parse any latitude or longitude that a user may input.
The code is compatible with any PHP version above 5.0.
Just do a require_once() of the convert.php file.
First you need to add this repository in your composer.json file. For instance:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "https://github.com/prairiewest/PHPconvertDMSToDecimal.git"
Then you have to do a
composer require prairiewest/phpconvertdmstodecimal
Finally, in your code, you just have to call the library directly, or, if your project uses namespaces, you need to include it in your class:
use function convertDMSToDecimal;
// or
use DmsToDecimalConverter
You can either use it as an object or directly:
// Directly:
// As an object:
$converter = new DmsToDecimalConverter();
$outputValue = $converter->convert($entryValue);