In this microservice will be responssable for the team actions and interactions. The architecture type is clean architecture so the solution is devided in 3 projects: Presentation, Infrastructure and Core. More about clean architecture you can find here
- .Net Core Console App 3.0
- Pomelo EF
- MySql Server
- NLog
- gRPC
- GraphQL
Run the following command from Galaxy.Teams.Presentation folder: dotnet ef migrations add {{name}} -c TeamDbContext
- you need to trust https certificates from .net. Please run this: dotnet dev-certs https --trust if you haven't done this before
- install .net core 3.0
- install mysql ( or run it from docker. For ease of use you should also get workbanch, or some IDE to visual connect to MySQL server.
Please make sure you overwrite the following settings:
- ConnectionStrings__TeamDb