FFMpeg code copy from https://github.com/fanmaoyu0871/VideoCutterDemo
This sdk used to compress video with FFMpeg in CPU but not GPU.
------ import -------------------- if copy FFMpegCompress, you need modify list: 1.add framwork: VideoToolbox.framework,AVFoundation.framework, libz.tdb, libbz2.tbd, libiconv.tbd 2.Header Search Paths :$(PROJECT_DIR)/XXX/FFmpeg-iOS/include
you can also use cocoapod: pod 'FFMpegCompress', :git=>'https://github.com/popor/FFMpegCompress.git', :tag => '0.0.27'
must add :tag => '0.0.27', because FFMpegCompress doesn't pass pod validate, if not will take a long time redownload FFMpegCompress when you run 'pod update --no-repo-update'.
一定要带上:tag => '0.0.27',因为没有通过pod验证,假如没有增加会在执行更新'pod update --no-repo-update'.消耗大量时间重新下载FFMpegCompress.
if you app have app-prefix.pch, you need modify
#ifdef __OBJC__
#import something
------ how to use ----------------
#import <FFMpegCompress/FFMpegCompress.h>
if (!self.ffmpegCmd) {
self.ffmpegCmd = [FFMpegCompress new];
// local disk video url path
NSString * videoUrlPath = @"file://var/xxxxxx"; // @"var/xxxxxx";
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(540, 960);//
NSString *tPath ; // compress video save path
[self.ffmpegCmd compressVideoUrl:videoUrlPath size:size tPath:tPath finish:^(BOOL finished, NSString *info) {
if (finished) {
NSLog(@"FFMpegCompress finish");
NSLog(@"FFMpegCompress error: %@", info);