PonyORM release 0.7.11 (2019-10-23)
#472 : Python 3.8 support
Support of hybrid functions (inlining simple Python functions into query)
#438 : support datetime-datetime, datetime-timedelta, datetime+timedelta in queries
#430 : add ON DELETE CASCADE for many-to-many relationships
#465 : Should reconnect to MySQL on OperationalError 2013 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'
#468 : Tuple-value comparisons generate incorrect queries
#470 fix PendingDeprecationWarning of imp module
Fix incorrect unpickling of objects with Json attributes
Check value of discriminator column on object creation if set explicitly
Correctly handle Flask current_user proxy when adding new items to collections
Some bugs in syntax of aggregated queries were fixed
Fix syntax of bulk delete queries
Bulk delete queries should clear query results cache so next select will get correct result from the database
Fix error message when hybrid method is too complex to decompile
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