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Polygon City KML Importer

Using batches

The concept of batched uploads is still very new and the approach is flimsy at best, though it works. It's important to know how to use batches otherwise you may end up duplicating buildings on Polygon City.

If you're adding a new batch of buildings: make sure the batchID config string is empty and the importer will create a new batch on Polygon City.

If you're continuing an existing batch: make sure the batchID config option is set to the ID string you received previously when uploading a new batch. This will ensure that only buildings not already added are uploaded. Be sure this is correct as otherwise the buildings will be added to Polygon City again but using a different batch ID - they will be duplicated.

Importing a KML file of collada models into Polygon City

  • Double-check the collada files are valid and single buildings (in Preview or MeshLab)
  • Install the NPM modules using npm install
  • Approach 1: Using the config.js file
    • Rename config.sample.js to config.js and update the settings
    • Run the script using node index.js --kml /path/to/doc.kml
  • Approach 2: Using the terminal
    • Run node index.js --kml /path/to/doc.kml and follow the instructions
  • Wait for it to finish - it can take a while
  • Re-run with the previous batch ID should anything go wrong. (It's worth doing this anyway as it serves as a check to ensure everything was added ok.)
  • Check the newly added buildings in Polygon City

Converting CityGML into KML / collada

  • Install Postgis
  • Install 3DCityDB
  • Create a database to store the CityGML
    • Can be done via a GUI like pgAdmin
    • Or from the commandline with psql using CREATE DATABASE yourcity;
  • Add the Postgis extension to the database in psql:
    • Select the database: \c yourcity
    • Run the following SQL: CREATE EXTENSION postgis;
  • Install the 3DCityDB importer scripts
  • Edit the postgis/ script installed by the importer
    • This is likely installed at /Applications/3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter/3dcitydb/postgis/
    • Update the database connection details
      • PGUSER is your Mac OS user
      • CITYDB is your db name: yourcity
      • PGBIN is the directory where psql is found (use which psql)
  • Make sure postgis/ is executable
    • chmod +x /path/to/postgis/
  • Run postgis/ from the terminal and follow the instructions
    • For SRID: enter the EPSG projection from the .gml or .xml file – eg, from srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG:6.12:3068,crs:EPSG:6.12:5783" enter 3068
    • For SRSName: enter urn:ogc:def:crs,crs:EPSG:6.12:3068,crs:EPSG:6.12:5783
  • Verify new tables in your Postgis database
  • Run the 3DCityDB importer GUI
    • /Applications/3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter/
    • If it doesn't open, make it executable using chmod +x ...
  • Connect to the database
    • Click on the "Database" tab
    • Enter the connection details
    • (If you used then the user and pass will be your Mac OS user and pass)
    • Click "Connect" and wait for a success message on the right-hand side
  • Import the CityGML
    • Click on the "Import" tab
    • Click "Browse" and select the CityGML files (must all be in the same coordinate projection)
    • Select the "Feature Classes" radio button and ensure all feature classes are selected
    • Click "Import" and wait for it to finish
    • (It's normal to see warnings about dodgy geometry and missing textures)
  • Convert the CityGML to KML / collada
    • Click on the "KML/COLLADA Export" tab
    • Click "Browse" and choose a location and filename for the exported KMZ
    • Select the bounding box radio button and define the bounds (this can be a bit of a pain - can probably just select the whole world if your db only has one city in it)
    • Ensure "Reference system" is set to "[Default] WGS 84"
    • Set level of detail to "highest LoD available"
    • Ensure only "COLLADA" selected in "Display as" section
    • Click "Fetch themes from DB" and then select "none" from the dropdown
    • Ensure only "Building" selected in "Feature Classes" section
    • Click "Export" and wait for it to finish
  • Unpack the KMZ
    • Find the KMZ file you just exported
    • Unpack it into its constituent KML and collada files (I recomend The Unarchiver for Mac
  • Import into Polygon City using the instructions above


Bulk import of buildings using KML for use in Polygon City






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