EspINA Neuron Analyzer ccboost synapse/mitochondria segmentation plugin and import plugin.
The current version of the plugin is under development and uses the develop branch of EspINA, about to be released.
Currently, commit 8244e5be
which corresponds to espina 2.0.3 is supported.
- Configuration
add -std=c++11
- Dependencies
- iiboost and its deps directory (you'll fetch it with git-submodule below)
- ITK (probably 4)
- VTK (probably 6)
- qt4
- openmp and
- Espina (see below)
Currently, version 2.0.3
is the latest supported version (commit 8244e5be
Checkout with git checkout 8244e5be
- IIBoost submodule
If you haven't cloned the repository with modules, namely
git clone --recursive [email protected]:polmonso/ccboost-segmentation.git
you can clone the submodules after the fact with
cd ccboost-segmentation
git submodule update --init --recursive
Remember to switch to the appropiated ccboost-segmentation
- build
On the ccboost-segmentation directory
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=c++11"
You'll get a Espina missing warning, it's fine if you want to use the standalone version only.
If you need to add the dependencies path use ccmake ..
to add them
- Running
the binary is ccbooststandalone and is ran like this:
./ccbooststandalone -t trainingvolume.tif -g groundtruth.tif -i volumeinput.tif -o predictionoutputfilename.tif
./ccbooststandalone -g Madrid_Train_espinagt_many.tif -i Madrid_Train.tif -o predict.tif
tl; dr
After Git 1.8.2, update the submodule spear to master branch with:
git submodule update --remote
Before Git 1.8.2
- pulling the latest submodule code
If submodule upstream is updated and you now want to update, change to the submodule directory
cd submodule_dir
checkout desired branch and update
git checkout master
git pull
Then get back to your project root. Now the submodules are in the state you want, so you can commit the changes
cd ..
git commit -am "Pulled down update to submodule_dir"
- Git 1.8.2 added the possibility to track branches.
git submodule
" started learning a new mode to integrate with the tip of the remote branch (as opposed to integrating with the commit recorded in the superproject's gitlink).
# add submodule to track master branch
git submodule add -b master [URL to Git repo];
# update your submodule
git submodule update --remote
See also the Vogella's tutorial on submodules.
See "How to make an existing submodule track a branch" (if you had a submodule already present you wish now would track a branch)
- Use the official Espina or request access to the private repository to Jorge Peña
The instruction to install it are here. Follow those instructions.
When installing VTK
, you might have to turn ON the module Module_vtkInfovisBoostGraphAlg
, additionally to Module_vtkInfovisBoost
Right now, only espina 2.0.3
is supported. Checkout SHA1 8244e5be4283fbce6f6f5ba6bc1dec1bd9b7f4c2
on branch develop
It has been tested with versions 2.4.0
and 0.6.2
- If you get a message saying 'ill-formed pair', there's a problem with boost. Check that you have boost 1.55.
If you don't have the appropriate boost libraries, you can download them and put the boost's library paths directly on ccmake.
- If quazip is expecting
includes, change theinclude/quazip
on the cmake variable
If you don't have root privileges to install quazip, you can install it anywhere
with make DESTDIR=.
and then move the include and lib directories wherever you like .
This is the espina/CMakeLists.txt
modified beginning:
set(XLSLIB_INCLUDE_DIR "/home/monso/code/espina-project2/xlslib/src/" CACHE PATH "xlslib's src directory")
set(XLSLIB_LIBRARY "/home/monso/code/espina-project2/xlslib/src/.libs/" CACHE FILE "xlslib lib, usually at xlslib/.libs/")
find_package(QuaZip REQUIRED)
# include(${QUAZIP_USE_FILE})
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS graph regex)
link_directories ( ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS} )
include_directories ( ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
The code provides a Cvlab Qt Panel for espina which connects with Ccboost Segmentation Plugin, who manages everything.
The plugin provides three tasks:
This triggers the Import task which reads an image and imports its labels into Espina Segmentations.
This button triggers a Ccboost segmentation task with the element selected to Synapse, which means that will search the Espina's taxonomy tree for Synapse examples (either by Category Synapse or tag yessynapse) and negative examples by Background category or nosynapse tag.
To add tags within espina look at the segmentation list panel.
Same as the Synapse Segmentation but now it searches for the Mitochondria segmentation category or yesmitochondria|nomitochondria tags.
All three end up creating a preview that has to be thresholded using this same panel. Once happy, press the Extract Segmentation button [image].
These tasks are created at the Ccboost Plugin, which is the manager of our algorithms. To be consequently executed as a Espina Task, a child of QThread. Once the task finishes it is captured by the plugin again.
This can be seen at CcboostSegmentationPlugin::create*Task( ... ):292
SchedulerSPtr scheduler = getScheduler();
CCB::ImportTaskSPtr importTask{new CCB::ImportTask(channel, scheduler, filename)};
struct CcboostSegmentationPlugin::ImportData data;
m_executingImportTasks.insert(importTask.get(), data);
connect(importTask.get(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finishedImportTask()));
The other particulars of the Ccboost Plugin follow. The description of the Ccboost and Import tasks are next.
The Ccboost Segmentation Plugin creates the tasks and handles its signals. It provides an interface of communication between the tasks and the main app.
It also handles the finishing of the tasks, which for the Import task involves creating the Espina segmentations and for the CcboostTask
, notifying the CvPanel
's Preview
The ccboost task prepares all the data and configuration to be fetched to the ccboost. It does the memory checks and the pre and postprocessing.
When all the data is ready, it calls the CcboostAdapter::core
, the iiboost
wrapper which formats the data as expected by iiboost.
Takes the prepared data and computes and adds its associated features if necessary.
For iiboost information, see its github page.
The import task takes a float image and obtains the labelmap which is then converted to espina segmentations by the CcboostSegmentationPlugin