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dibs - Docker image build system

Dibs makes it simple to turn code into Docker images.

To some extent, it can be seen as an alternative to using a Dockerfile, with the difference that dibs provides finer control over the different phases and makes it easier to land on a trimmed image.

But…​ why?

First things first: why dibs? The main need is to pack a Docker container image starting from some code, much like what can be done with a Dockerfile… let’s look at a few problems and how dibs addresses them.

Trimming Container Images

Just putting the code inside a container is not sufficient, because…

  • … it probably needs a runtime environment (Perl, Java, Python, …) inside the image too

  • … it might need additional pre-requisites in form of other software or libraries, often provided by the underlying Linux distribution in the form of packages

  • … it might need to have some parts compiled or undergo a build process

  • … it will probably need the container to be set so that the invocation of the program is eased.

The build process usually requires tools (like a C compiler, development versions of libraries, etc.) that are rarely needed during the runtime phase. To cope with this, release 17.05 of Docker introduced a new feature where a Dockerfile can include multiple stages[1] (each marked with an initial FROM section), where it’s possible to perform e.g. compilation within a specific track and later use those artifacts inside another container started from a leaner image.

dibs addresses this issue with the idea that the path from the code to the Docker image is not necessarily linear and might be walked through different lanes, or phases:

  • each phase runs a sequence of operations that stack upon a container image much like a Dockerfile does;

  • different phases share artifacts around through shared directories; only the

  • containers of interest are saved as images, others are thrown away.

As an example, a common patter is to divide the composition of an image into two phases, one where artifacts are compiled (through compilation and build tools) and one where these artifacts are installed along with runtime components. For this reason, two base images can be setup.[2] and used in two different phases, one for building and one for bundling the final artifact.

  _____________     +--------------+
 /             \    |              | - start from "build"-ready image, with
 | Shared dirs |----| Build Phase  |   compiler & other build tools inside
 | ----------- |    |              | - compile in container
 |             |    +--------------+ - save in cache
 |       src - |
 |     cache - |    +--------------+
 |       env - |    |              | - start from "runtime"-ready image
 |       ... - |----| Bundle Phase | - copy artifacts from cache
 \_____________/    |              |   to destination
                    +--------------+ - set up entry point

In this way, build operations can be performed from a heavier container image (the one with the build tools), while the bundle operation relies on a leaner starting container image (the one with just the runtime), providing a leaner result.

The difference with respect to plain Dockerfiles is in how the whole process is configured: in dibs it is much easier to reuse both operations performed inside a container (the next section is about this), as well as fragments of the configuration itself to avoid repetitions (which, much like code, can lead to bugs).

Reuse of operations

Another common problem with Dockerfiles has to do with how container images are customized, e.g. to execute build/bundle operations.

The RUN directive in the Dockerfile is very powerful, but it allows executing either direct commands or some script/program that are available inside the container during its construction. While this is strictly all that is needed, it’s quite difficult to reuse operations and not repeat them.

dibs allows defining packs of operations[3] in many different ways, which include grouping them in a git repository that can be shared across multiple projects. An example of such a repository is dibspack-basic.


The basic metaphor used in Dibs is inspired to drawing (because the aim is to generate…​ an image). To generate an image, multiple actions are available:

  • setting the starting point for an image is to prepare it, much like the FROM directive in the Dockerfile;

  • a single operation step performed inside a container is a stroke. It can be thought as a single 'RUN` RUN directive in the Dockerfile;

  • finalizing an image is to frame it (there is no equivalent operation in the Dockerfile);

  • collecting multiple actions together is to create a sketch (it can contain other sketches itself).

When run, dibs goes through two main phases, namely the setup and the execution of actions:

  • in the setup phase collects all available information for the specific run. It merges together different sources (command line parameters, environment variables, and the configuration file that will be described below), making also sure that the source code is fetched and made ready for operating the different steps;

  • in the execution phases, dibs executes the required actions. This may end up in an image or not, depending on the needs.

The operations in a stroke are performed through dibspacks (or simply packs). They are the specification of where something can be found, most probably a program or a group of programs that can be executed inside the container.[4]

All actions (and something more) are defined inside a configuration file,[5], whose structure will be described below.

Dibs elects a directory as a base camp for its operations, called the project directory. Depending on the specific configuration, it defaults to a dibs sub-directory of the current directory, or to the current directory itself. The configuration file and other directories shared across all stroke executions are related to the project directory, and are:

  • src: where the source (code, prerequisites, etc.) is made available, read-write;

  • cache: a convenience area where build artifacts can be stored, e.g. to pass them across different strokes or entire phases. Available in read-write mode inside the container

  • env and envile: read-only directories where data is passed from the outside. The former can be used to set up data from the user, the latter is used by dibs itself to set them in the form of keys (filename) associated to data (the contents of the files);

  • pack, auto/open: where dibpacks are stored (the former local to the specific project, the latter generated automatically by dibs from remote/dynamic dibspacks).


It’s better to start looking at a couple of examples to better understand how dibs works.

Getting Started

The basic mode of operations of dibs is development mode. As the name implies, it is best used when developing the software and generating the container image during development itself (e.g. as a developer).

The example assumes the following layout of files and directories:



  • .git indicates that the whole project is tracked with ŋit;

  • is a Perl program;

  • cpanfile details the module dependencies of the Perl program;

  • dibs.yml is `dibs’s configuration file;

  • prereqs is a directory for storing pre-requirements files

  • and alpine.bundle are two programs that, when executed inside a container, make sure to install the OS packages needed by or any of the modules that will be installed by cpanfile. Each program installs the requirements for a specific phase, in this case build and bundle represent the build phase (where artifacts are generated) and the bundle phase (where the artifacts are put in place along with the runtime environment).

The dibs.yml configuration file in this example is the following (note: this is quite simple at this stage, additional features will be shown later):

name: exadev                            # # (1)
packs:                                  # # (2)
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]            # # (3)
    prereqs:                            # # (4)
      pack: basic
      path: prereqs
    build:                              # # (5)
        envile:                         # # (6)
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'        # # (7)
            - prereqs                   # # (8)
            - name: compile             # # (9)
              pack: basic
              path: perl/build
            - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
                run: |                  # # (10)
                    src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    set -e
                    rm -rf "$target"
                    mkdir -p "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: put artifacts in place
                run: |
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    rm -rf "$dst_dir"
                    cp -a "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
              commit:                   # # (11)
                entrypoint: []
                cmd: ['/bin/sh', '-l']
            - name: save bundled image  # # (12)
              image_name: exadev
              tags: ['latest', '0.3']
  1. the name is used for temporary images

  2. it’s possible to define named packs and refer to them later

  3. an action named default is what is executed…​ by default

  4. this is the specification of a stroke, based on the basic pack.

  5. this is the specification of a sketch (because it contains a list of actions)

  6. enviles are similar to environment variables, but less invasive

  7. this is equivalent to FROM in a Dockerfile

  8. this "calls" the `prereqs' stroke defined elsewhere (above in this case)

  9. this is a stroke where a name is assigned explicitly, so that it will be shown when executed

  10. this is an immediate pack that is saved as a script and then executed inside the container

  11. adding a commit sets additional traits of the image layer, e.g. entrypoint, cmd, user, …​

  12. this is a frame, i.e. the actual saving of an image

Running dibs in this case is as simple as going in the root directory of the code and run:

$ dibs

This will execute the default sketch, which is comprised of two actions build and bundle. They will be executed both, in the specific order. They are both sketches themselves (they both contain a list of actions).

Sketch build starts from a basic image (an Alpine Linux, release 3.6) and executes three RUN-like actions on top of it, in the specific order:

  • installation of pre-requisites (calling the prereqs stroke defined above). The script that install pre-requisites uses the variable DIBS_PREREQS to select the right prerequisites script, which will be prereqs/ in this case.

  • "compilation" of the Perl code. This reduces to the installation of modules as specified in file cpanfile

  • save of (main program) and local (where installed modules are placed) inside the cache directory (in particular, in the app sub-directory)

Each step is executed "on top" of the previous one, just like several RUN directives in a Dockerfile are executed.

Sketch build does not include a frame action, so the final container is removed and not saved.

Sketch bundle is similar to build, but also different:

  • starts from the same base image alpine:3.6

  • install pre-requisites. In this case DIBS_PREREQS is set to bundle, so the prerequisites program that will be run is prereqs/alpine.bundle. This is an example of reuse, because the same script (prereqs in the basic pack) is used to obtain different results in different conditions;

  • artifacts are copied from the cache to the final target destination (in /app). This is the last "layer" that is added to the image, so there is also the specification of a commit section to set the entrypoint and the cmd to be executed by default.

  • the last action of the sketch is a frame that saves the final container as an image with two tags: exadev:latest and exadev:0.3.

Explicit Pinpointing

The previous example showed an example where build and bundle are separated, but as a matter of fact it does not provide a real advantage in terms of execution time, because the installation of prerequisites on top of a basic image is always performed.

From this point of view, dibs performs worse than plain Dockerfiles[6] because it does not come with implicit caching/pinpointing of intermediate containers. This is meant as a feature though, because the implicit pinpointing and reuse of previously built layers can bite when things change around and docker is not aware of it[7]; this is a likely scenario in dibs because there is much more space for using remote stuff.

It’s possible to expand the example to limit the amount of repeated work, like shown in the following example.

name: exadev
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]
      pack: basic
      path: prereqs
    builder:                               # # (1)
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: save builder base image
              image_name: builder
              tags: '1.0'
            - from: 'builder:1.0'          # # (2)
            - name: compile
              pack: basic
              path: perl/build
            - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
                run: |
                    src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    set -e
                    rm -rf "$target"
                    mkdir -p "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: save bundler base image
              image_name: bundler
              tags: '1.0'
            - from: 'bundler:1.0'
            - name: put artifacts in place
                run: |
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    rm -rf "$dst_dir"
                    cp -a "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
                entrypoint: []
                cmd: ['/bin/sh', '-l']
            - name: save bundled image
              image_name: exadev
              tags: ['latest', '0.3']
  1. Former build is divided into parts, this is the first and yields an image that is saved permanently as builder:1.0

  2. The image is then used as a base for the build stroke.

In this example, former build sketch has been broken down into two sketches, the first one (builder) installing the pre-requisites and saving a base image that is suitable for building (builder:1.0) and is thus used as the starting point for sketch build. A similar split has been performed onto bundle, extracting the pre-requisites part into bundler.

To generate the new base images for building and bundling the following command is run:

$ dibs builder bundler
# generates builder:1.0 and bundler:1.0

After this step has been run, these images are used as bases for the new build and bundle steps, so when the following command is run:

$ dibs build bundle

the prerequisites installation is not performed any more, saving time.

This trick allows pinpointing specific steps of interest for explicit reuse. Making it explicit also opens the door to easily distribute responsibilities to other teams for the different stages.[8]

Robust Pinpointing

The split in the previous example was possible because of the assumption that pre-requisites change very seldom in a project (with the possible exception of the initial days). Anyway, it’s possible that the pre-requisites have to change from time to time, in which case it’s necessary to regenerate the base images to include them, which might be easily overlooked.

At the expense of an additional layer, though, it’s possible to repeat the prereqs stroke inside the build and the bundle strokes; these will mostly resolve into nothing (i.e. no change) unless an addition is put in the prerequisites, in which case the addition will be honored. The following dibs.yml implements this approach.

name: exadev
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]
      pack: basic
      path: prereqs
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: save builder base image
              image_name: builder
              tags: '1.0'
        envile:                            # # (1)
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'builder:1.0'
            - prereqs                      # # (2)
            - name: compile
              pack: basic
              path: perl/build
            - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
                run: |
                    src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    set -e
                    rm -rf "$target"
                    mkdir -p "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                    cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: save bundler base image
              image_name: bundler
              tags: '1.0'
        envile:                            # # (1)
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: 'bundler:1.0'
            - prereqs                      # # (2)
            - name: put artifacts in place
                run: |
                    cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                    rm -rf "$dst_dir"
                    cp -a "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
                entrypoint: []
                cmd: ['/bin/sh', '-l']
            - name: save bundled image
              image_name: exadev
              tags: ['latest', '0.3']
  1. The prereqs program relies upon the DIBS_PREREQS variable, so it has to be set whenever prereqs will be used.

  2. The prereqs stroke is re-introduced as the first step in both build and bundle. Most of the times this will be a no-op.

Running the prereqs step can anyway draw time from the build/bundle process though, so in all cases in which it can be skipped it can be useful to avoid it. The following example does some refactoring to add buildq (i.e. the quick version of build), leaving out bundleq (which can undergo a similar transformation).

name: exadev
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]
        pack: basic
        path: prereqs
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'alpine:3.6'
            - prereqs
            - name: save builder base image
              image_name: builder
              tags: '1.0'
    build_basics:                     # # (1)
        - name: compile
          pack: basic
          path: perl/build
        - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
            run: |
                src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                set -e
                rm -rf "$target"
                mkdir -p "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
    build:                            # # (2)
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: 'builder:1.0'
            - prereqs
            - build_basics
    buildq:                           # # (2)
        - from: 'builder:1.0'
        - build_basics
# ...
  1. build_basics is a new sketch that includes strokes to compile modules and save artifacts in the cache

  2. the new artifact is used in both the build and buildq sketches, avoiding repetitions

With this setup:

  • "normal" work on code can rely upon buildq and skip the prereqs stroke (which consumes some time)

  • "safe" work can still rely upon build to ensure that prereqs are honored. This might come handy when a new prerequisite is added and the buildq sketch yields an error because of missing dependencies, without the need to regenerate the full base image (e.g. to test out if the addition to the prerequisites is sufficient or needs to be changed)

  • in the medium-long term, though, it’s still better to re-generate the base image.

Avoiding Repetions: YAML Variables

As in code, repetitions can be dangerous in a dibs.yml file because changes would have to be applied in multiple places. In the examples above, there are a few repetitions in the names of images used as base.

YAML allows the definition of anchors and aliases to avoid repetitions inside the file, like in the following example.

name: exadev
variables:                                       # # (1)
    - &base_image   'alpine:3.6'
    - &base_builder 'builder:1.0'
    - &base_bundler 'bundler:1.0'
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]
        pack: basic
        path: prereqs
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: *base_image                  # # (2)
            - prereqs
            - name: save builder base image
              tags: *base_builder          # # (2)
        - name: compile
          pack: basic
          path: perl/build
        - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
            run: |
                src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                set -e
                rm -rf "$target"
                mkdir -p "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
            - from: *base_builder                # # (2)
            - prereqs
            - build_basics
        - from: *base_builder
        - build_basics
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: *base_image                  # # (2)
            - prereqs
            - name: save bundler base image
              tags: *base_bundler          # # (2)
        - name: put artifacts in place
            run: |
                cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                rm -rf "$dst_dir"
                cp -a "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
            entrypoint: []
            cmd: ['/bin/sh', '-l']
        - name: save bundled image
          image_name: exadev
          tags: ['latest', '0.3']
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
            - from: *base_bundler                # # (2)
            - prereqs
            - bundle_basics
        - from: *base_bundler                    # # (2)
        - bundle_basics
  1. Variables can be defined as anchors in a single place

  2. Anchors are then references via aliases in multiple places

It’s possible to place the YAML "variables" more or less everywhere, although it is suggested to place them under the variables key.

Avoiding Repetitions: Inheritance

It is also possible to inherit some characteristics from other actions by using the extends key in the definition of an action. In the following example, the DIBS_PREREQS envile is defined once (in buildish for building, in bundlish for bundling) and then used where needed.

name: exadev
    - &base_image   'alpine:3.6'
    - &base_builder 'builder:1.0'
    - &base_bundler 'bundler:1.0'
        type: git
    default: [build, bundle]
        pack: basic
        path: prereqs
    buildish:                                    # # (1)
            DIBS_PREREQS: build
        extends: buildish                        # # (2)
            - from: *base_image
            - prereqs
            - name: save builder base image
              tags: *base_builder
        - name: compile
          pack: basic
          path: perl/build
        - name: save compiled artifacts in cache
            run: |
                src_dir="$(cat DIBS_SRC_DIR)"
                cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                set -e
                rm -rf "$target"
                mkdir -p "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/" "$target"
                cp -a "$src_dir/local" "$target"
        extends: buildish                        # # (2)
            - from: *base_builder
            - prereqs
            - build_basics
        - from: *base_builder
        - build_basics
    bundlish:                                    # # (1)
            DIBS_PREREQS: bundle
        extends: bundlish                        # # (2)
            - from: *base_image
            - prereqs
            - name: save bundler base image
              tags: *base_bundler
        - name: put artifacts in place
            run: |
                cache_dir="$(cat DIBS_CACHE_DIR)"
                rm -rf "$dst_dir"
                cp -a "$src_dir" "$dst_dir"
            entrypoint: []
            cmd: ['/bin/sh', '-l']
        - name: save bundled image
          image_name: exadev
          tags: ['latest', '0.3']
        extends: bundlish                        # # (2)
            - from: *base_bundler
            - prereqs
            - bundle_basics
        - from: *base_bundler
        - bundle_basics
  1. These two definitions are abstract and do not specify a type of action (although only sketches and strokes leverage the envile key)

  2. Using extends allows "importing" all definitions from the referred element.

Import of traits from ancestors is somehow crude, because a redefinition in the derived element totally overwrites the ancestor’s data.

Variables Expansion

The variables highest-level key is supposed to be associated to an array-type value. Each item in this array that is a hash with a single key function and an array value is subject to expansion. The following is an example of the join function (which is also the only one available).

    - function: &whatever
        ['join', ':', 'something', 'latest']
        - from: *whatever
        # ...

When read by dibs, the value associated to anchor whatever is expanded in-place to something:latest; the application of the operation in-place also means that all aliases will get this expanded value (like the from statement in the example).

Stroke Arguments

As anticipated, strokes define programs that will be executed inside a container. It is possible to pass arguments to these programs, in order to increase their reusability, via the args key inside a stroke.


        args: ['first', '2nd', 'third']
            run: |
                while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; do
                    printf "%s\n" "argument: <$1>"

Arguments in a stroke are subject to expansion in specific conditions, as in the following example:

            - 'this is a string'
            - path_cache: whatever
            - path_src: lib
            run: |
                while [ "$#" -gt 0 ] ; do
                    printf "%s\n" "argument: <$1>"

In the example above, the second and third argument are objects with a single key-value pair. Values associated to keys path_cache, path_src, etc. are expanded as sub-directories of the corresponding zones (cache, src, etc. in the specific case).

Alien Mode

In the initial example, the dibs.yml file is part of the code itself, but this need not be. It’s possible to separate concerns of development and build/bundling using the so-called alien mode.

This mode of operations is somehow similar to a bare git repository, where there is no sub-directory but the project directory is directly the current directory. The layout is as follows:


The src directory is where the source code is supposed to be placed. It’s possible to develop code directly there, of course, although it’s probably better to rely upon the origin directive (or command-line option) and fetch it remotely.

$ dibs --alien --origin "$ORIGIN"

Going Further

This README file is only meant as an introduction to the possibilities. The manual contains all details and is the next suggested reading.

2. For example, using dibs itself.
3. The name is inspired to Heroku's buildpacks, but the semantics is nowadays very different.
4. Packs can be used also to locate other configuration files, although this feature is yet to be introduced.
5. This might turn in multiple ones in a future release.
6. The example is still relevant though, because it shows the use of a remote dibspack, i.e. a git repository
7. This possibility led to option --no-cache, for example.
8. This is of course available through Dockerfiles too.


Docker Image Build System




