An alternative to the standard web2py Welcome app based on the AdminLTE open source theme and template.
- Starter App can be used as a starting point for new web2py apps instead of the Welcome app
- Starter App is based on the AdminLTE Template and Bootstrap
- You can log in using "admin" and "password" to explore the template at
- You can get the code at
- git clone starter OR download
- go to /initialize/adminuser in your browser to create test users and groups (only works from localhost)
- Starter App is currently maintained on web2py current master branch
- appconfig.ini IS included in the git repo (I recommend removing for production)
- when you first install on localhost, you can access /initialize/adminuser to create initial admin user and auth_groups
- models includes some sample tables for Dogs, Persons, and Dog Owners which you can easily delete