These are lesson / demo files that I'll be using for a presentation for the HTML5 Toronto meetup.
Go through the lessons in order by viewing the files at:
- scripts/lessons/createjs/ 1.0.js through 1.5.js
- scripts/lessons/leapjs/ 2.0.js through 2.3.js
Edit the file at scripts/Main.js to select which lesson file to run in index.html.
// This will run scripts/lessons/createjs/1.0.js
var activeLesson = new CJSLessonIndex["1.0"]();
// This will run scripts/lessons/leapjs/2.0.js
var activeLesson = new LJSLessonIndex["2.0"]();
View the completed lesson (all parts fitting together) at:
- scripts/lessons/createjs/FinishedLesson.js
- scripts/lessons/leapjs/FinishedLesson.js
Similarly, edit scripts/Main.js to run the completed lesson:
var activeLesson = new CJSLessonIndex["FinishedLesson"]();
// OR
var activeLesson = new LJSLessonIndex["FinishedLesson"]();