An alternative Phaser generator for Yeoman; done the way I like it.
Install yeoman globally as you normally would:
$ npm install -g yo
Next, install this generator:
$ npm install -g generator-phaser-alternative
Run the generator in any empty directory to scaffold your game! Dependencies will be automatically installed after scaffolding.
$ mkdir MyGame
$ cd MyGame
$ yo phaser-alternative
This generator includes sub-generators to help set up the boiler-plate for states and (coming soon) other classes.
When adding new states, the game.state.add() method call is automagically added to your main.js file. Neat!
To add a new state called 'menu' to your game:
$ yo phaser-alternative:state menu
This generator favors npm build scripts and browserify over other build tools such as gulp or grunt.
To start a dev server, watch the source files and live-reload on changes:
$ npm start
To test and lint:
$ npm run lint
$ npm run test
To build the project into the dist folder:
$ npm run build
- Sub-generators for States, Prefabs, etc.
- A better method of including Phaser (it doesn't play nice with browserify at the moment)
- The ability to select different Phaser releases (standard, no-lib, ninja physics)