- A subset of Structured Text with some modernizing modifications
- referentially transparent (no side effects)
- Interpreted
- Double -- IEEE DOUBLE
- Integer -- Variable Length Integer Type
- String -- Packed String Type
- Char -- UTF8
- Bool -- Boolean Value Logical operands
(Operators in Italics are not implemented yet)
Boolean operators take Data Types and return whether one value of the data type is greater than another. Be careful when trying to compare equality between floating point numbers.
- =
- OR
- =
- >
- <
- >=
- <=
- +
- -
- /
- *
- & Bitwise And
- OR Bitwise Or
- XOR Bitwise exclusive Or
- NOT Bitwise negation
##Functions## (Functions in Italics are not implemented yet)
- isSet checks a bit in position N of an INT, returns true if that bit is set
isSet 0 4;
returns FalseisSet 3;
returns True
- shiftN
- variable_name := statement ;
- Use to assign a name to a constant or expression
- IF bool_expression Then statement_list Else statement_list
- Use to branch alternatives
IF (3 > 4) THEN x:=3; Else x:=4; END_IF
cabal configure --enable-tests && cabal build && cabal test
TODO: Write contribution instructions here