This application has been setup and tested on Ubuntu 11.04 with RVM ruby 1.9.2.
System package dependencies:
- libmysqlclient-dev
- mysql2
- rspec-rails
- factory-girl-rails
- webrat
- authlogic
Run 'bundle install' to set them all up.
grant all privileges on user_signup_dev.* to 'yammer'@'localhost' identified by 'yammer';
grant all privileges on user_signup_test.* to 'yammer'@'localhost' identified by 'yammer';
From the shell:
rake db:create:all
rake db:migrate
The application configuration file is at config/initializers/app_config.rb.
The HOSTNAME config parameter MUST be updated for your environment. It's the hostname that will appear in the URL in the confirmation email.
The ActiveMailer configuration relies on a local Sendmail or Postfix server to deliver emails.
- faster, everything is done locally, all network IO is done asynchronously by the Postfix server after the messages are queued
- less portable
- little information is returned to the caller about the result of the operation.
Using Authlogic gem for password and session management.
Using rspec. More work would be needed on those tests.
To run the tests
rake spec