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Chapter 13 (Spring) comments

pledbrook edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision

section 9.2 – looks like a copy/paste problem. in the code for your service you end with this line:
redirect(action: “list”)
then talk about how the method has returned a null. that’s controller code yes?

typos, grammar:
first page: “After that, we look at a feature that will come in very handy after all that talk of databases in the previous chapter: transaction” – i think it should be “transaction support”. or maybe “transactions”.

fourth page: this sentence: “More than that, to really take full advantage of them you must implement their functionality in methods, not closures.” talks of services in the plural, but the two around it are using the singular.

eighteenth page, section “Transactions, the session, and me”, starts “Particularly for newcomers to Hibernate, the way it works can be quite confusing. When you add transactions on top of that, …” – it’s not really clear

Chapter 9, page 9 says “In other words, the profile bean will be invoked before and after every method call on the session factory”
but should be
“In other words, the profile method will be invoked before and after every method call on the session factory”

1 – The CH 9 title is “In the belly of the beast – Spring and transactions”, which doesn’t match the TOC title.

8 – I guess this is probably the “Account” that was mentioned a while back (before this was introduced here).