Styleguide is a static site generator for creating... wait for it... Styleguides!
Styleguide is built with Assemble, Grunt, Compass and uses the Handlebars templating language.
In order to use it, you will need to have Node.js installed. If you don't have it yet, I recommend downloading the latest binary from If you install node using homebrew, you'll probably run into issues. I did.
Once node is installed, you'll need to install the Grunt command line interface by typing the following.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
The -g
flag installs the grunt command line interface globally and allows you to run grunt from the command line. For the most other packages, you'll want to leave out the -g
and install them locally (to your current project) on a per project basis.
You need to cd
into your project directory and run the following commands.
NOTE: You only need to do this for the first time compiling.
$ npm install
And then
$ bundle install
Bundler is a package manager for ruby gems. It will make sure your styles compile with the correct versions of ruby gems.
Do it.
Type the following
$ grunt server
This does a few things. First it creates a fresh styleguide. It then starts a local webserver for your styleguiide and opens up a browser window so you can view it. Grunt will watch your project for any changes and depending on which files change, run the appropriate grunt tasks and refresh your browser.
There are a 3 main directories you need to worry about.
The core directory has contains all the files for the default styleguide that you get out of the box. You typically shouldn't need to directly edit any files in this directory.
The project directory mimics the structure of the core directory. Any files you create in the project directory will override or be added to the default style guide. The best way to learn is to copy files from the core directory and start editing away.
This is where you put any styleguide components as handlebars templates. Each handlebars template will be converted into an html page of the same name.
This ss where you can store generic json data to be used in the syleguide such as global site variables like the site title and client name. See Assemble Data
This is where you can store generic site pages such as index.hbs, which would get compiled to index.html. See Assemble Pages
Layouts are reusable templates that you can run other templates through. See Assemble Layouts
Partials are reusable chunks of content that can be included in other pages. See Assemble Partials
Any .js files added to this folder will automatically be included in the footer of your styleguide pages.
Any .css and .scss files added to this folder will automatically be compiled and included in the head of your styleguide pages.
This is the directory where the compiled styleguide gets created and where your grunt server points to. Never edit this directly as it gets completely wiped each time the styleguide gets recreated.
Components are added as handlebars templates in /project/content. It's easiest to copy .hbs files from /core/content into /project/content as a starting point for editing.
Any .css or .scss in project/scripts files are automatically injected into the head of your stylesheets, as well as any .js files added to project/scripts. However, any external files can be manually added to the site via /project/templates/layout/default.hbs file.