This module provides extensions for layout options. The options can be attached to pages, elements or each data object. By default this module comes with options for text, background and width. Furthermore, this package contains a selection field wich is based on color palate field by heyday.
- Silverstripe CMS >=4.0
- Silverstripe Framework >=4.0
- Versioned Admin >=1.0
- Silverstripe Color Palette Field ^2.1
- Silverstripe Selection Field ^1.0
composer require pixelpoems/silverstripe-layout-options
Add the desired extension on Page:
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Text
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Background
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Width
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Image
or Element (if you use Elemental form DNADesign e.g.):
inline_editable: false
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Text
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Background
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Width
- Pixelpoems\LayoutOptions\Extensions\Image
The fields will appear in the order the extensions are added within the yml config.
Each entity can be hidden if they should not appear e.g.:
hide_layout_option_heading_tag: true
hide_layout_option_text_color: true
hide_layout_option_text_align: true
hide_layout_option_background_color: true
hide_layout_option_width: true
hide_layout_option_image_orientation: true
hide_layout_option_image_brightness: true
hide_layout_option_image_shape: true
For each option set, you can use a hook to update/expand the options from which the user can choose.
- Namespace\YourLayoutServiceExtension
To configure the options for the heading tag, text color, text align, background color and width, you can add config variables like this:
Value: 'h2'
Title: 'H2'
white: '#fff'
black: '#000'
Value: 'left'
Title: 'Left'
ShowTitle: true
Icon: 'align-left'
Value: 'small'
Title: 'Small'
ShowTitle: true
Content: 'S'
white: '#fff'
black: '#000'
The options, which are configured in the yml file, will overwrite the default options!
Otherwise, you can use the following hooks to update the options or add new ones:
public function updateHeadingTagOptions(&$options)
// Add an option
$options['h5'] = [
'Value' => 'h5',
'Title' => 'H5',
public function updateTextColorOptions(&$options)
// Add an option
$options['text-light'] = '#ffcdb2';
public function updateAlignOptions(&$options)
// Add an option
$options['justify'] = [
'Value' => 'justify',
'Title' => 'Justify',
'ShowTitle' => true,
'Icon' => 'align-justify'
public function updateLayoutWidthOptions(&$options)
// Add options
$options = array_merge($options, [
'xs' => [
'Value' => 'xs',
'Title' => 'XS',
'ShowTitle' => true,
'xl' => [
'Value' => 'xl',
'Title' => 'XL',
'ShowTitle' => true,
public function updateBackgroundColorOptions(&$options)
// Overwrite the default Background Colors
$options = [
'white' => '#ffffff',
'bg-1' => '#ffcdb2',
'bg-2' => '#ffb4a2',
'bg-3' => '#e5989b',
'bg-4' => '#b5838d',
'bg-5' => '#6d6875',
'black' => '#000000',
This module comes also with an extension of the DNADesign Elemental Base Element.
This extension adds holder classes to the element. The holder classes are a combination of the layout options and a el-classname
class. This holder class can be used to style the element in the frontend. The holder class is added to the holder div of the element.
If you want to manipulate or add your custom layout classes to this holder class, you can use the following hook:
// Extension of DNADesign\Elemental\Models\BaseElement
public function updateHolderClasses(&$classes)
// Add a class
$classes[] = 'my-custom-class';
// Add a class based on the layout options
$element = $this->owner;
if($element->NewLayoutOption && !$element->config()->get('hide_layout_option_new_layout_option'))) $holderClasses[] = 'abc--' . $element->NewLayoutOption;
Please create an issue for any bugs you've found, or features you're missing.