ERASES EVERYTHING prod initial deploy:
rm -rf app/cache/*;
php app/console cache:clear -e prod;
php app/webconsole cache:clear -e prod;
php app/console assets:install public_html -e prod;
php app/console assetic:dump -e prod;
php app/console sulu:build phpcr_migrations -e prod -n;
chown plazapmg:plazapmg -R ./ public_html public_html/*;
chmod 755 public_html public_html/*;
rsync -avz --exclude 'uploads' public_html/ ../public_html/sitescms/;
chown plazapmg:plazapmg -R ../public_html/sitescms/ ../public_html/sitescms/*;
chmod 755 ../public_html/sitescms/ ../public_html/sitescms/*;
ERASES NOTHING prod update:
rm -rf app/cache/*;
php app/console cache:clear -e prod;
php app/webconsole cache:clear -e prod;
php app/console sulu:build phpcr_migrations -e prod -n;
php app/console cache:warmup -e prod;
php app/webconsole cache:warmup -e prod;
php app/console assets:install public_html -e prod;
php app/console assetic:dump -e prod;
chown plazapmg:plazapmg -R ./ public_html public_html/*;
chmod 755 public_html public_html/*;
rsync -avz --exclude 'uploads' public_html/ ../public_html/sitescms/;
chown plazapmg:plazapmg -R ../public_html/sitescms/ ../public_html/sitescms/*;
chmod 755 ../public_html/sitescms/ ../public_html/sitescms/*;
dumps translations:
php app/console translation:extract fr --dir=./src/ --output-dir=./app/Resources/translations
load fixtures: // -n erases all database
php app/console sulu:document:fixtures:load --fixtures ./src/PmgSocialBundle/Datafixtures/Document/ -e prod -n
rm -rf app/cache/*;
php app/console cache:clear -e dev;
php app/webconsole cache:clear -e dev;
php app/console assets:install public_html -e dev;
php app/console assetic:dump -e dev;
php app/console sulu:build phpcr_migrations -n;
Find the filename of the document to edit to add the new hostname to be read by virtualhost in the Apache config file.
Apache config file: nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
File that adds configuration parameters to virtualhost configuration /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2_4/plazapmg/*.conf
After editing the file mentioned above, to apply the vhost config file changes in easy apache use the following command, replacing username with the plazapmg username:
/scripts/ensure_vhost_includes --user=username
If the hostname is already configured for another user in the Apache config file, you have to override the same way the user Apache configfile in a similar way as above: /usr/local/apache/conf/userdata/std/2_4/USERNAME/DOMAIN.COM/*.conf
With the following rules:
RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. [NC] RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://www\.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]
And then run the script to include the file that changes the virtualhost configuration for the user that hosts the hostname your want to modify:
/scripts/ensure_vhost_includes --user=username
# Sulu - Content Management
[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](
[Sulu]( is an open-source content management platform based on the
[Symfony PHP framework]( Use it as a CMS to develop and
manage enterprise multi-sites or as a development environment to create reliable
and high-performant web-apps.
**Although Sulu is stable and already used in production it is still under
heavy development. Therefore we can not guarantee full backwards compatibility
at the current stage.**
## Installation
For the install guide and reference, see:
* [installation guide](