direct dependencies
⚡ github.com/qiniu/qmgo from v1.1.4
to v1.1.5
⚡ github.com/mediocregopher/radix/v4 from v4.1.1
to v4.1.2
⚡ gorm.io/gorm from v1.24.3
to v1.24.5
⚡ github.com/joho/godotenv from v1.4.0
to v1.5.1
⚡ gorm.io/driver/mysql from v1.4.5
to v1.4.7
⚡ gorm.io/driver/postgres from v1.4.6
to v1.4.8
⚡ go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver from v1.11.1
to v1.11.2
indirect dependencies
⚡ github.com/jackc/pgx/v5 from v5.2.0
to v5.3.0
⚡ github.com/lib/pq from v1.10.2
to v1.10.4
⚡ github.com/youmark/pkcs8 set to v0.0.0-20181117223130-1be2e3e5546d
⚡ golang.org/x/crypto from v0.4.0
to v0.6.0
⚡ golang.org/x/net from v0.4.0
to v0.7.0
⚡ golang.org/x/sync from v0.0.0-20220923202941-7f9b1623fab7
to v0.1.0
⚡ golang.org/x/sys from v0.3.0
to v0.5.0
⚡ golang.org/x/text from v0.5.0
to v0.7.0
security fix
Details: https://cwe.mitre.org/data/definitions/400.html
test files
added test files for middleware