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Building From Source

Johannes Buehler edited this page Nov 18, 2012 · 1 revision

Building Pectin from source

Pectin is built using the Gradle build system. It's built using version 0.8 for which you can find the user guide here.

Please Note: You don't need to install gradle to build the project. The project uses a Gradle provided wrapper that automatically downloads the correct version for you.

Project directory structure

The project contains three subprojects, the library itself (contained in the gwt-pectin directory), the demo and the GWT contacts example updated to use Pectin. Building each project is performed from the subdirectories.

Gradle requires a number of build files (this requirement is being relaxed later versions) to operate. In the root directory, a build.gradle and settings.gradle file provide configuration for the whole project (such as maven repositories, plugins and custom functions) while a build.gradle in each of the sub directories provides the main build code. The following illustrates:

  - build.gradle          <- project wide configuration
  - settings.gradle       <- bulid system settings and config
  - contacts-mvp-example
    - build.gradle        <- mvp example build file 
  - demo
    - build.gradle        <- demo build file
  - gwt-pectin
    - build.gradle        <- main build file

Source layout

The source layout for the project follows the standard Maven layout with the addition of a gwtTest leaf for test cases that extend GWTTestCase. - gwt-pectin - src - gwtTest - java <- GWTTestCase test sources - main - java <- main pectin sources - resources - test - java <- TestNG test sources - resources

Building the jar

To build the main jar you need to change to the gwt-pectin sub directory.

From root/gwt-pectin: ./gradlew build

Note: All the examples here are based on unix. If you're using Windows then substitute gradlew.bat for ./gradlew.

The will jar path will be root/gwt-pectin/build/libs/gwt-pectin-0.x-SNAPSHOT.jar

If you use the release target then jar will be built without the SNAPSHOT sufix and the build number will be incremented for the next build.

   ./gradlew release 

In this case will jar path will be root/gwt-pectin/build/libs/gwt-pectin-0.x.jar

Running the demo

To run the demo you need to be in the demo sub directory.

From root/demo: ./gradlew demo

If you would like the build the full demo instead of running the shell you can do the following:

From root/demo: ./gradlew dist

The compiled output can be found in root/demo/build/web.

Running the MVP Example

To run the demo you need to be in the demo sub directory.

From root/contacts-mvp-example: ./gradlew run