JsonDB is a simple in process database to store, query and manipulate JSON documents for OS X (10.7+) and iOS (5.0+). It's built on top of the excellent FMDB which is an Objective-C wrapper around SQLite.
This project was born as a little private helper library in a toy OS X project where I needed to cache and query a fair amount of JSON documents. The library somehow evolved into a reusable standalone project.
I want to publish it as open source because I think it can be useful to someone else, but also to teach myself how to create and maintain a Pod, use Travis CI and use Specta and Expecta.
I hope you enjoy this project.
Since the 1.0.0
version this lib should be fairly stable and changes to the API (and storage schema) will be reflected by the Semantic Versioning.
JsonDB is coded in and designed for Objective-C, but it also works with Swift, you just need to add #import "JsonDB.h"
in the Bridging Header. The API is still a kind of mess when called from Swift though, some help on that matter will be much appreciated.
Try the demo app.
Or install the library and follow the example usage.
The documentation will be completed soon.
TL;DR: see the usage section if you only read code :)
The entry point in JsonDB is the JDBDatabase
. You create an instance of JDBDatabase
and specify to persist data on file or only in memory.
With an instance of JDBDatabase
you then get a named JDBCollection
which is a collection of documents (You can see JDBCollection
as an SQL table).
With a JDBCollection
you can insert and update documents. You can also create a JDBView
, which is a queryable subset of JSON paths (You can see JDBView
as an SQL view).
You can also query the JDBCollection
directly, in which case a JDBView
will be created on the fly for you, tailored for your query criteria and sort descriptor.
With a JDBCollection
or a JDBView
, you can create a JDBQuery
by specifying a query criteria and sort descriptor.
In either ways, a JDBQuery
will be created (you can see JDBQuery
as a kind of SQL prepared statement). With a JDBQuery
you can fetch the first document only or all the documents with an optional NSRange
and/or projection. You can also (transactionally) batch remove and modify documents.
Finally, in JsonDB, a document is any objects graph compatible with NSJSONSerialization with a NSDictionary
as the top level object.
The demo application is a generic database browser. It allows you to create/list collections, import JSON documents from URL, create/save/list/execute queries, create/save/list documents.
To run the demo application:
In a terminal, simply execute:
$ pod try JsonDB
and run the target named JsonDB-Demo-iOS
in Xcode.
Clone the repository and run pod install
from the JsonDB-Tests
$ git clone https://github.com/pierredavidbelanger/JsonDB.git
$ cd JsonDB/JsonDB-Tests
$ pod install
open the workspace:
$ open JsonDB-Tests.xcworkspace
and run the target named JsonDB-Demo-iOS
in Xcode.
JsonDB is available through CocoaPods. To install the latest version, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "JsonDB"
Download and unzip the project. Every file you need is under the JsonDB
directory. But, you will also need to install the dependencies manually.
After adding the pod (or installing the library) to your project, just import it:
#import "JsonDB.h"
and follow the example usage.
JsonDB needs OS X (10.7+) or iOS (5.0+).
It also needs FMDB which is automatically installed if you use CocoaPods (you do right ?).
Open a database at the specified path (here, on iOS, main.jsondb
in the application's Document directory will be created if it does not exists)
NSString *dbPath = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"/main.jsondb"];
JDBDatabase *database = [JDBDatabase databaseAtPath:dbPath];
Get a collection of document (will be created on the fly if it does not exists)
JDBCollection *collection = [database collection:@"GameScore"];
Insert schema less documents into the collection (an id will be auto generated for each document since they do not have one)
[collection save:@{@"playerName": @"Sean Plott", @"score": @1337, @"cheatMode": @NO}];
[collection save:@{@"playerName": @"John Smith", @"score": @9001, @"cheatMode": @NO}];
[collection save:@{@"playerName": @"John Appleseed", @"score": @1234, @"cheatMode": @YES}];
Find who is cheating (this will returns an array of document)
NSArray *cheaters = [[collection find:@{@"cheatMode": @YES}] all];
expect(cheaters[0][@"playerName"]).to.equal(@"John Appleseed");
Find the players named John ordered alphabetically
NSArray *johns = [[collection find:@{@"playerName": @{@"$like": @"John %"}} sort:@[@"playerName"]] all];
expect(johns[0][@"playerName"]).to.equal(@"John Appleseed");
Find the first one with a score over 9000, flag it as a cheater and return the old document
NSDictionary *over9000 = [[collection find:@{@"score": @{@"$gt": @9000}}] firstAndModify:^JDBModifyOperation(NSMutableDictionary *document) {
document[@"cheatMode"] = @YES;
return JDBModifyOperationUpdate | JDBModifyOperationReturnOld;
Pierre-David Bélanger, [email protected]
JsonDB is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.