trackterbash is a bash library designed to trap/tag/color errors and stop smoothly the main process.
By default,
- errors are surrounded with red color
- the main process is stopped on error
- the ctrl+c maccro is trapped and you can do something on occur
🌵 ./trackterbash --help
--no-exit : don't stop the main process on error
--exit-function='_exit' : change exit function when --no-exit is not used
Extra doc {
With --exit-function=* option, you can use your own exit function to properly exit when an error occur,
to limit errors, please set up your own function before source
Use cases:
- you have created a temp file and you want to delete it before exit
- you use a ssh tunnel and you want to kill it before exit
Default function :
sleep 0.15 # little sleep time to prevent disordered log
echo 'Exit due to an error'
exit 1
--no-ctrlc : don't trap ctrl+c SIGINT
--ctrlc-function='_ctrlc' : change ctrl+c function when --no-ctrlc is not used
Extra doc {
With --ctrlc-function=* option, you can use your own function to properly exit when Ctrl+C occur,
to limit errors, please set up your own function before source
Use cases:
- you have created a temp file and you want to delete it before exit
- you use a ssh tunnel and you want to kill it before exit
Default function :
sleep 0.15 # little sleep time to prevent disordered log
echo -e '\nExit due to a Ctrl+C'
exit 2
--prefix-all : preffix all output from FD 1&2 with 'date hour script-name'
--no-surround-errors : don't surround errors with red color
--debug|-d|--verbose|-v : enable debug mode with set -x
--help|-h : print help
to stop the main script when an error is trapped
sleep 0.15 # little sleep time to prevent disordered log
echo 'Exit due to an error'
exit 1
to trap Ctrl+C maccro and do something if occur
sleep 0.15 # little sleep time to prevent disordered log
echo -e '\nExit due to a Ctrl+C'
exit 2
give you the possibility to log something in FD2, this stop the main process if --no-exit
isn't use
echo "${@}" >&2
sleep 0.15 # little sleep time to prevent disordered log
return 1 # log and return 1 for exit with trap
Source in your own script :
source "${PATH}"/ # put options here if needed
- 1 : error code when error occur
- 2 : error code when a Ctrl+C occur