sim900MiniLib is an Arduino library for dealing with a sim900 module via the AT commands.
It will give you the possibility to send and receive SMS, call someone and registrating to a GSM provider
Clone the repository and import the library using your IDE
- Import the library and dependencies
#include <sim900MiniLib.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- Initialize the library
boolean debug = true;
SoftwareSerial SIM900Serial(7, 8); // I'm using a software to preserve the hardware serial for the serial console (replace the pin number 7(rx), 8(tx) with yours)
sim900MiniLib sim900MiniLib(
&SIM900Serial, // pass a pointer to the var SIM900Serial (SoftwareSerial)
&Serial, // pass a pointer to the var Serial (HardwareSerial)
// Don't forget to set the serials speeds in the setup function
- Start the GSM Sim900 module
// Input : int pin
- Check if the Sim900 is alive (cmd: AT)
// Result {type: boolean}, true if it's ok
- Set the Sim900 in text mode (cmd: AT+CMGF?)
or check if it's the case (cmd: AT+CMGF=1)
// Input : boolean check (default: false), set it to true to check
// Result {type: boolean}, true if it's ok
- Set the Sim900 in automatic timezone mode (cmd: AT+CTZU?)
or check it (cmd: AT+CTZU=1)
// Input : boolean check (default: false), set it to true to check
// Result {type: boolean}, true if it's ok
- Check if the Sim900 is registrated (cmd: AT+CREG?)
Result {type: int},
0: is not registrated
1: is registrated
2: is asking for registration (you must recheck soon)
- Enable/Disable/Check the Sms Receive mode
check: to check the state of the mode (cmd: AT+CNMI?)
enable: enable (cmd: AT+CNMI=2,2,0,0,0)
disable: disable (cmd: AT+CNMI=0,0,0,0,0)
// Input : String action (list above)
sim900MiniLib.receiveSMSMode(F("check")); // don't forget to include the action in a F() statement [doc PROGMEM](
// Result {type: boolean}, true if it's ok
- Read an incoming Sms
// Input : String smsData[4], empty array of 4 elements
Result {the given array in input, updated with the Sms values}
smsData[0]: Sender Phone
smsData[1]: Index
smsData[2]: Date
smsData[3]: Message
- Send a Sms (cmd: "AT + CMGS = \"" + phoneNumber + "\"")
// Input : String phoneNumber, recipient’s mobile number (in international format),
// String message
sim900MiniLib.sendSMS("+XXXXXXXXXXXX", "ping");
// Result {type: boolean}, true if it's ok
// Note : the code can wait 30s, to let the Sim900 send the Sms without !!STREeESS!!
- Get time from the GSM provider (cmd: AT+CCLK?)
// Input : String timeInfos[4], empty array of 7 elements
sim900MiniLib.time(String timeInfos[7]);
Result {the given array in input, updated with the date&time infos}
timeInfos[0]: Year (2 digits)
timeInfos[1]: Month "
timeInfos[2]: Day "
timeInfos[3]: Hour "
timeInfos[4]: Minutes "
timeInfos[5]: Seconds "
timeInfos[6]: TimeZone "
- Call someone (cmd: "ATD" + phoneNumber + ";")
Note : to hang up the call the command used is (cmd: ATH)
and to check the call status (to know if the recipient has hung up) the command used is (cmd: AT+CPAS)
// Input : String phoneNumber, recipient’s mobile number (in international format),
// long int delayBeforeHangUp, delay before hang up
void callSomeone(const String phoneNumber, long int delayBeforeHangUp = 30000);
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.