Web app made using React, redux and bootstrap
This web-app is an incremental web-browser game inspired by game developed by Orteil. The goal of the game is to produce as many cookies (by clicking on the Big Cookie and buying machines to produce them) as you can.
This web-app contains also simple backend server written in node, with which we can get actual score in the game.
To run web-app in communication with backend mode, variable REACT_APP_USE_API
in .env file must be set to true.
REACT_APP_API_TIMEINTERVAL variable is time in miliseconds with which data will be refreshed in backend.
To build project following commands should be run from project directory:
npm install
To run this project following commands should be run from project directory:
npm start
And to run API in another terminal
cd API
node index.js
Now API is working on localhost:5000
and UI is working on localhost:3000