This package contains functions and R Shiny app to allow you easily connect to PODR database and explore datasets related to CSS 2020 Hackathon. To find out more about PODR, please go to PODR Github. The Shiny app is hosted at
Please follow this instruction:
install_github(”TuCai/podr") or install_github(”phuse-org/podrapp")
Once you install it, you can start app by issuing the below command in RStudio:
- Functions ** Modified get_table_names to fixe '.' global issue ** Fixed some suggested changes by CRAN
- Functions ** Added get_table_names function to get a list of PODR table names ** Added get_table_defs function to get table definition ** Changed conn_podr to use open source ODBC driver from RPostgres package instead of RStudio Pro drive from odbc package
- User Infterface ** Added ReadMe tab to show ReadMe file for a data set in user interface (UI) ** Added Table tab to display table's column definition in UI
- Included all the dependent packages through packrat package
- Added R Shiny app 01_podr for easily logging into PODR database and explore datasets ** Added Login tab to log into database ** Added Show tab to show records from a data set
- Functions ** Added echo_msg to display message ** Added is_emnpty to check variable NULL, NA, legnth ** Added resolve to get absolute path ** Added start_app to start this application ** Modified conn_podr ** Modified read_podr functions to be used with the app
- Added renv and vignettes
- Added conn_podr function to connect to PODR database
- Added read_podr function to read PODR data sets