The files in thir repository are related to the project "The dBu ma de kho na nyid of rGya dmar ba Byang chub grags (12th c.)"
Project website:
This research project on rGya dmar ba’s dBu ma de kho na nyid, which is being carried out by Pascale Hugon (IKGA) and Kevin Vose (College of William & Mary, Virginia), began in June 2017 during Kevin Vose’s four-week stay as a visiting fellow at the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna (
The work being explored is available in the form of a 31-folio manuscript that was preserved in 'Bras spungs monastery. It is listed in the 'Bras spungs dkar chag (’Bras spungs dgon du bzhugs su gsol ba’i dpe rnying dkar chag, 2 Vols. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2004) under No. 015397. The facsimile of the work, on which we base our edition, was published in the bKa’ gdams gsung ‘bum (bKa’ gdams gsung ʼbum phyogs bsgrigs thengs dang po / gnyis pa / gsum pa / bzhi pa, dPal brtsegs bod yig dpe rnying zhib ʼjug khang (ed.). Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2006 (vols. 1–30), 2007 (vols. 31–60), 2009 (vols. 61–90), 2015 (vols. 91–120).), vol. 31, 7–67. It can be viewed online on Internet Archive (
In a first step, our aim is to produce a critical edition and an English translation of the work, together with the abundant marginal notes that are found in the manuscript. This will enable, in a later step, the detailed study of specific topics, in relation with parallel discussions in rGya dmar ba’s other works and in the works of later scholars, notably, rGya dmar ba’s student Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge. A month of intensive joint work in the summer of 2017 allowed us to edit and translate about 10% of the text, together with the interlinear notes. Our work has continued since then via video-conference. At present, we have completed the introductory discussion (f. 1b-2a), the core sections I, II, III, IV, and V, and the first part of section VI up to f. 17b (altogether ca. 55% of the text). It will be some time before the edition and the translation are completed and finalized for print publication and online display via an XML viewer. Considering this, we have decided to provide continuous open access to our ongoing work: below are links to the latest versions of the edition and the translation. Both documents are “works-in-progress” and, if quoted, should be referred to as such. The “edition” document contains not only the parts that have been already critically edited, but also the draft transcription of the rest of the text (marked with a grey background).
Earlier versions of the edition and translation that have been posted on the above-mentionned project website are stored in this GitHub repository under "Previous versions".
The latest version of the documents posted on the above-mentionned website (edition, translation, editorial conventions, and general outline) are stored in this GitHub repository under "Latest version".