This repository configures the user's machine with Ansible. Scripts on this repo were tested on the following OS:
- Ubuntu 20.04
This repository, in addition to the roles and playbooks used by Ansible, there is also a Vagrantfile that has the purpose of creating a test environment to run Ansible scripts.
In order to run Vagrantfile it is necessary to have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed. There is a possibility to use other virtualizers, but this can lead to the change of Vagrantfile.
Being on VM or not, it's necessary to install Ansible. Run the script "" on this repo:
$ bash
To run the playbook if the password isn't on ansible_sudo_pass variable, on inventory/hosts:
ansible-playbook localhost playbooks/main.yml -K
If the password is present on hosts:
ansible-playbook localhost playbooks/main.yml