This project aims to generate transitland gtfs routes
shapes from gtfs trips
go install
You can grab the latest release on this repository releases
docker run run --rm -ti phoops/transitland-route-geometry-generator 1 -d postgres://transit:transit@db/gtfsdb?sslmode=disable
On gtfs
spec, we don't have a direct association between shapes
and routes
, in transitland
domain is possibile to associate a geometry
to a route
In order to associate a geometry
to a transitland route
, we need to process the route trips
and the shapes
associated to the trips
In order to keep thing simple, we choose the longest geometry
of all the trips
and promote that geometry to the geometry of the route
This project depends on postgresql
and postgis
and we interact directly with the transitland
database, so transitland
schema is needed.
- Fetch trips for a specific
feed androutes
(Both can be provided as input to the CLI) - Choose the
shape associated to thetrips
of the routes - Take the
of chosen shape and promote that toroute
geometry - Persit the
in `tl_route_geometries table
The shapes generation is idempotent, so you can use the CLI freely in your workflow, without worring of breaking things, when the shapes geometry are updated by a new feed, they will be imported and the route shape is computed again
Generate geometries for your gtfs routes in transistland.
Uses your trips geometries in order to compute the route shape
More information at
transitland-route-geometry-generator [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
generate Generate routes
help Help about any command
version Print the version
-h, --help help for transitland-route-geometry-generator
-v, --verbose verbose output
transitland-route-geometry-generator generate [flags]
-d, --database string postgres database connection string
-n, --dry-run dry run generation, without inserts
-h, --help help for generate
-r, --routes ints route ids to include in generation, all by default
The -v
flag will output more informations about the process, also the raw postgresql
queries made by the cli.
The generate
command wants a single argument, representing the id
of the gtfs
feed, this id can be obtained querying transitland
, or in the
database table current_feeds
The -d
flag is also required, you should specify a postgresql
connection string, like postgres://transit:transit@db/gtfsdb?sslmode=disable
The -r
flag will restrict the route
shapes generation only to specific route ids
, routes should be separated by comma, ex: -d 1,2,3,4
transitland-route-geometry-generator generate 1 -d "postgres://transit:transit@localhost/gtfsdb?sslmode=disable"
If you want to only get the computed shapes
for your routes, you can use the -n
flag, this will skip the database write of route shapes
The output will be a table like that
{"level":"info","ts":"2021-11-30T12:56:58.274+0100","caller":"commands/generator.go:50","msg":"starting generation","command":"generate","verbose":false,"dry-run":true,"feed_version_id":1}
| 1 | 0 | 4 |
| 1 | 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 0 | 1 |
| 2 | 1 | 8 |
{"level":"info","ts":"2021-11-30T12:56:58.350+0100","caller":"commands/generator.go:88","msg":"dry run completed, run again without the n flag","command":"generate","verbose":false}
If you pass the -v
flag, the output will contain also the raw geometry
and the centroid
of shape.
transitland-route-geometry-generator generate 1 -n -d "postgres://transit:transit@localhost/gtfsdb?sslmode=disable"