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This library allows you to seamlessly take advantage of newer namespaced minPHP libraries while at the same time maintaining backwards compatibility with minPHP 0.x global classes.

Why use this library

This library is intended for projects that are built using minPHP 0.x that want to take advantage of other namespaced minPHP libraries.


Install via composer:

composer require minphp/bridge


The bridge requires some information before it's able to initialize some libraries. This is handled by populating and passing in a container that implements Minphp\Container\ContainerInterface.

The following config files in minphp 0.x were removed in minphp 1.0, which is what necessitates populating the container:

  • core.php
  • database.php
  • session.php

minPHP uses the Minphp\Container\Container, which meets this requirement. The following elements are required to be set:

  • minphp.cache array containing:
    • dir string
    • dir_permission int (octal)
    • extension string
    • enabled bool
  • minphp.config array containing:
    • dir string
  • minphp.constants array containing:
    • APPDIR string
    • CACHEDIR string
    • COMPONENTDIR string
    • CONFIGDIR string
    • CONTROLLERDIR string
    • DS string
    • HELPERDIR string
    • HTACCESS bool
    • LANGDIR string
    • LIBDIR string
    • MINPHP_VERSION string
    • MODELDIR string
    • PLUGINDIR string
    • ROOTWEBDIR string
    • VENDORDIR string
    • VIEWDIR string
    • WEBDIR string
  • minphp.language array containing:
    • default string 'en_us'
    • dir string
    • pass_through bool
  • minphp.mvc array containing the following keys:
    • default_controller string
    • default_structure string
    • default_view string
    • error_view string
    • view_extension string
    • cli_render_views bool
    • 404_forwarding * bool*
  • minphp.session array containing the following keys (all optional):
    • db array containing:
      • tbl string The session database table
      • tbl_id string The ID database field
      • tbl_exp string The expiration database field
      • tbl_val string The value database field
      • ttl int The session time-to-live, in seconds, relative to current server time (should be set to the same value as the other TTLs, e.g., 'max(ttl, cookie_ttl)' to correctly sync client and server session expirations)
    • ttl int Number of seconds to keep a session alive.
    • cookie_ttl int Number of seconds to keep long storage cookie alive.
    • session_name string Name of the session.
    • session_httponly bool True to enable HTTP only session cookies.
  • cache Minphp\Cache\Cache
  • view View As a factory (new instance each time)
  • loader Loader
  • pdo PDO

Creating and Using the Container

First create a new config file called services.php that will be used to define our service providers.

Each service is defined as the fully qualified class name. It can be whatever you want as long as it can be properly autoloaded.


return [

Next, create the service provider that matches the one we added to services.php.


Note: You can auotload classes in this directory by defining the namespace in your composer.json file under the "autoload" section like so:

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\ServiceProviders\\": "app/ServiceProviders/"
namespace App\ServiceProviders;

use Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface;
use Pimple\Container;
use Cache;
use View;
use Loader;
use PDO;
use Configure;

class MinphpBridge implements ServiceProviderInterface
    private $container;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register(Container $container)
        $this->container = $container;

        $container->set('cache', function ($c) {
            return Cache::get();

        $container->set('view', $container->factory(function ($c) {
            return new View();

        $container->set('loader', function ($c) {
            $constants = $c->get('minphp.constants');
            $loader = Loader::get();
                $constants['ROOTWEBDIR'] . $constants['APPDIR'],
                'models' => $constants['MODELDIR'],
                'controllers' => $constants['CONTROLLERDIR'],
                'components' => $constants['COMPONENTDIR'],
                'helpers' => $constants['HELPERDIR'],
                'plugins' => $constants['PLUGINDIR']

            return $loader;

        $container->set('pdo', function ($c) {
            $dbInfo = Configure::get('Database.profile');
            return new PDO(
                $dbInfo['driver'] . ':dbname=' . $dbInfo['database']
                . ';host=' . $dbInfo['host'] . (
                    ? ':' . $dbInfo['port']
                    : ''

    private function registerCache()
        $this->container->set('minphp.cache', function ($c) {
            return [
                'dir' => $c->get('minphp.constants')['CACHEDIR'],
                'dir_permissions' => 0755,
                'extension' => '.html',
                'enabled' => true

    private function registerConfig()
        $this->container->set('minphp.config', function ($c) {
            return [
                'dir' => $c->get('minphp.constants')['CONFIGDIR']

    private function registerConstants()
        $this->container->set('minphp.constants', function ($c) {
            $rootWebDir = realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))
                . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;

            $appDir = 'app' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
            $htaccess = file_exists($rootWebDir . '.htaccess');

            $script = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])
                ? $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']
                : (
                    ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']
                    : null

            $webDir = (
                ? $script
                : (
                    ($path = dirname($script)) === '/'
                    || $path == DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ? '' : $path
            ) . '/';

            if ($webDir === $rootWebDir) {
                $webDir = '/';

            return [
                'APPDIR' => $appDir,
                'CACHEDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'cache' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'COMPONENTDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'CONFIGDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'CONTROLLERDIR' => $rootWebDir . $appDir . 'controllers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'DS' => DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'HELPERDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'helpers' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'HTACCESS' => $htaccess,
                'LANGDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'LIBDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'MINPHP_VERSION' => '1.0.0',
                'MODELDIR' => $rootWebDir . $appDir . 'models' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'PLUGINDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'plugins' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'ROOTWEBDIR' => $rootWebDir,
                'VEDNORDIR' => $rootWebDir . 'vendors' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'VIEWDIR' => $rootWebDir . $appDir . 'views' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
                'WEBDIR' => $webDir

    private function registerLanguage()
        $this->container->set('minphp.language', function ($c) {
            return [
                'default' => 'en_us',
                'dir' => $c->get('minphp.constants')['LANGDIR'],
                'pass_through' => false

    private function registerMvc()
        $this->container->set('minphp.mvc', function ($c) {
            return [
                'default_controller' => 'main',
                'default_structure' => 'structure',
                'default_view' => 'default',
                'error_view' => 'errors',
                'view_extension' => '.pdt',
                'cli_render_views' => false,
                '404_forwarding' => false

    private function registerSession()
        $this->container->set('minphp.session', function ($c) {
            return [
                'db' => [
                    'tbl' => 'sessions',
                    'tbl_id' => 'id',
                    'tbl_exp' => 'expire',
                    'tbl_val' => 'value'
                'ttl' => 1800, // 30 mins
                'cookie_ttl' => 604800, // 7 days
                'session_name' => 'sid',
                'session_httponly' => true

Updating init.php

Update /lib/init.php so it looks like the following:


// include autoloader
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR
    . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';

// Fetch available services
$services = require dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config'
    . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'services.php';

// Initialize
$container = new Minphp\Container\Container();

// Set services
foreach ($services as $service) {
    $container->register(new $service());

// Run bridge
$bridge = Minphp\Bridge\Initializer::get();

// Set the container
Configure::set('container', $container);

return $container;

Removing Unused Files

With this bridge in place, you can now remove minPHP 0.x files that are no longer required in your project.

Remove the following directories and files:

  • components/acl/
  • components/input/
  • components/record/
  • components/session/
  • helpers/date/
  • helpers/form/
  • helpers/html/
  • helpers/javascript/
  • helpers/pagination/
  • helpers/xml/
  • config/core.php
  • config/database.php (unless you used it in your MinphpBridge service provider)
  • config/session.php
  • lib/ - except the modified init.php file

Q: Why do we keep the init.php file?

A: Because index.php loads it in minPHP 0.x, and we're maintaining backwards compatibility. If init.php isn't loaded anywhere else, then you could put its contents in another file and update your index.php file to load that file instead. It's up to you.


Bridge for minPHP 0.x to 1.0 projects






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