- About the Project
- Features
- Landingpage
- List of all subjects
- Subject page
- Filter questions in a subject
- Accounts
- Apply for expert
- Answer a question as an expert
- Answer a question as a user
- Ask questions in different subjects
- Reporting
- Tags
- Up and down voting
- Admin dashboard
- Admin ban a user
- Admin verify expert requests
- Admin check out reports
- Admin manage subjects
- How to run it Locally
- Development
This project is in collaboration with Fontys and Phillips. It's a school project, about making an "ethical" web application, with a question and answers in different subjects. When an user has a question, they can visit our website, create an account and ask their question. Alternatively, they could use the tools we provided to search and filter the questions already asked, in order to find an answer to their question, if it was laready asked.
Additionally, users can become experts on a subject, if they provide credentials to prove their knowledge. Administrators, manage the approval process through an admin panel, where they can also review flagged questions and answers to determine if they are inappropriate and should be deleted, manage users, subjects and get graphical representation based on statistics of what's popular around the website.
Clone this git repository
Create a aspnet cert in the cert folder
cd Abracadabra
cd certs
dotnet dev-certs https -ep aspnetapp.pfx -p password
- Run the docker compose file
cd ..
docker-compose build
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
- When the docker-compose is up.
Admin dashboard: http://localhost:3001 Website: http://localhost:3000 API URL: https://localhost:5000
Email: [email protected] Password: Password@1
Email: [email protected] Password: Password@2
Email: [email protected] Password: Password@0
If you restart the back-end you should delete your browers local storage since the back-end uses a in memory database for Dev purposes.
This section is about how to set up the project locally to be ready for development
- An IDE (Recommended Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code)
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/philips-labs/fontys-2020-team-abra-cadabra
- Install dependencies for the Web App and run it
cd Abracadabra/abracadabra_web_app
npm install
npm run dev
- Install dependencies for the Admin Panel and run it
cd Abracadabra/abracadabra_admin_panel
npm install
npm run dev
- Run the API
cd Abracadabra/AbracadabraAPI/AbracadabraAPI
dotnet run
- Create a file named .env.local with the following content (replace "http://localhost:5000" with the address your api is running on)
look at the localhost port presented during the start-up to find the API url